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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
With an iPad reservation for launch day, I can't help but be curious about how durable the iPad will be. My analysis, based on other Apple devices: It's likely the aluminum back will get quite a few scratches if you lay the iPad down to type on it constantly. The glass covering the screen and the black bezel should be very scratch resilient as the iPhone is. The metal bezel around the screen could probably get marred easily. One drop should be enough to dent the aluminum or put a crack in the screen, either could make the iPad annoying to use.

I used a flip style case for the first-generation iPhone, taking my iPhone in and out for extended use, which I liked. I used a sleeve for the iPhone 3G, and I wasn't a fan of taking my iPhone in and out of it for everything, and the inside is difficult to clean. I have a Seidio Innocase II on my iPhone 3GS and I like it, though I would prefer Apple to just make the iPhone more durable.

The iPad is a gorgeous gadget without a doubt, but it's unlikely it will be particularly durable. Will you use a case? I'm torn between putting a full case over the back and metal bezel or just getting a sleeve/bag to protect it while traveling. If Apple's iPad case is available on launch day in the Apple Store, I will likely buy that and consider other options as they become available.


macrumors 68000
Jun 16, 2008
I find aluminium rather scratch resistant, actually. Based on my MBP.

I think it will be very durable, within reason. Chucking it on hardwood, no. But dropping it on a couch or throwing it in your bookbag, etc. fine.

With my MBP the HDD in it makes me very scared to move it around. This has flash memory and because of that in itself it's much more durable.


macrumors 6502
Mar 19, 2010
With an iPad reservation for launch day, I can't help but be curious about how durable the iPad will be. My analysis, based on other Apple devices: It's likely the aluminum back will get quite a few scratches if you lay the iPad down to type on it constantly. The glass covering the screen and the black bezel should be very scratch resilient as the iPhone is. The metal bezel around the screen could probably get marred easily. One drop should be enough to dent the aluminum or put a crack in the screen, either could make the iPad a little annoying to use.

The iPad is a gorgeous gadget without a doubt, but it's unlikely it will be particularly durable. Will you use a case? I'm torn between putting a full case over the back and metal bezel or just getting a sleeve/bag to protect it while traveling. If Apple's iPad case is available on launch day in the Apple Store, I will likely buy that and consider other options as they become available.

Probably not right away, I might down the line. I have a few sites saved that sell them, but I want to wait for user feedback. I will probably use it when I go out to take pictures. It has a compass in it and might be useful for star shots, I have been using my ipod touch for notes, but might switch to using the ipad exclusively but its a wait and see right now.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2008
I am going to buy this case..



macrumors 6502
Mar 16, 2010
I preorder apple's case. price is ok compared with other cases. it protects the ipad and functions as a stand. both side of the ipad needs protection from any fall.


macrumors regular
Jun 23, 2008
Central Florida
I'm going to wait until after I get my iPad to see how durable it is. I'm thinking about getting the Apple case but I want to see one in person before I make the decision to get that case or a 3rd party case.


macrumors 68000
Mar 11, 2010
I'm putting my 2g iPhone up for sale and when taking photos, I realized how scuffed the back is (even with case use). So it's made me rethink my cavalier attitude so far about not getting a case right away.


macrumors 6502
Jan 26, 2010
I prefer my devices "naked" so I will leave it that way for the most part. The only time I'd get a case is for traveling or going somewhere in which case I'll just get a sleeve to protect it in my bag.


macrumors 68040
Mar 11, 2009
I won't be using a case unless the most perfect design comes out that allows me to use it while inside but not being uncomfortable. I also won't be dropping it.


macrumors regular
Mar 1, 2010
I won't use case as it will be very scratch resistant with the aluminum backing. I will get a dock though, for photo. Besides, like steve jobs, I like my gadgets naked :rolleyes:


macrumors 603
Feb 22, 2009
I want to wait to see what is available and feedback from other users before deciding what to get. Since I am getting the Wifi version on Saturday, I am taking it the next day to a family get together for Easter.
Otherwise, it will be mostly at home.
I will be passing it around showing it off :D but I am worried about someone scratching it. I am hoping that it comes with one of those little peel off protectos like the ones that are on alarm clocks or watches when you first buy them. If not, whatta think if I were to put say a sheet or two of saran wrap on the back? Would that just look so tackie or what?
i guess I could always put it on there and see how it looks.
Just temperary of course.


macrumors 601
Nov 12, 2007
I won't use case as it will be very scratch resistant with the aluminum backing. I will get a dock though, for photo. Besides, like steve jobs, I like my gadgets naked :rolleyes:

....what? Using a case will scratch the back? Unless you're referring to those hard snap-on cases, then yea. That's the only type of cases I would never get for any of my devices.

I think everybody should have a soft padded case with top missing that has a tag for pulling the iPad out, it'll allow you to use the iPad naked but at least offer you the ease of mind that the iPad is in some form of protection when you're away from it. It's only 30-60$ at most, worth it for the $500+ investment.

I got a dog, a cat, nephews, and so on that if I were to leave it unprotected, I know I am going to pay for it. So I really recommed everybody to have the "just in case aka the highly improbable odds but it will happen to you because you just suck" case protection.

Compile 'em all

macrumors 601
Apr 6, 2005
Never used a case with anything, never well. The guys spent time making an awesome design and you want to wrap it in an uglyass cover so it doesn't get a scratch? No, thank you!

No protection is much more enjoyable :p


macrumors member
Nov 12, 2009
....what? Using a case will scratch the back? Unless you're referring to those hard snap-on cases, then yea. That's the only type of cases I would never get for any of my devices.

I think everybody should have a soft padded case with top missing that has a tag for pulling the iPad out, it'll allow you to use the iPad naked but at least offer you the ease of mind that the iPad is in some form of protection when you're away from it. It's only 30-60$ at most, worth it for the $500+ investment.

I got a dog, a cat, nephews, and so on that if I were to leave it unprotected, I know I am going to pay for it. So I really recommed everybody to have the "just in case aka the highly improbable odds but it will happen to you because you just suck" case protection.

That is actually pretty sweet. How much staff discount can you get me?!;)


macrumors member
Mar 19, 2010
I'm sure it will be durable, but since I expect to use it like a book, the Apple cover seemed a good bet. I looks like it does things the 'right' way and has a snap in rubber-like frame rather than just straps across each corner.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 8, 2008
If i spend any money for a case, itd probably be the apple designed one.
its one that actually looks decent and something ive wanted for my iPod Touch that I could never find.
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