a friend of my wife brought her mini to me to update. she wants to get rid of of windows thats on it and just go with osx. she is blind so she just wants it stable. How far would you go on the software update?
a friend of my wife brought her mini to me to update. she wants to get rid of of windows thats on it and just go with osx. she is blind so she just wants it stable. How far would you go on the software update?
just english. I think she does not do much she wants open office on it. it has been a year so since my wife mac mini died she is blind too but she changed over to a ipd and iPhone as voicever drove her nuts but then again it drives her nuts on all her devices.
I think my wife would forget the commands or just that she didn't to need her mac much. mostly she streams music and podcasts and such Now she uses sonos mostly. so every update she would be lost. Plus she uses jaws at work so it may just too much. but voiceover is flaky on all devices she has found. the bugs can drive her nuts.
Jaws is the windows version of voiceover that you have to spend 1500.00 or more now on.
I think she forgets the commands she always fights with her electronics.
but it does no look like I can update the mac mini to anything below 10.10 so I will see what she needs to do.
my wife wants to stream her music sources and I tunes drove her nuts. so she ended up using her phone more then a iPad. now use uses sonos mostly and that has been such a great thing for her one source for all her music services she was so tired of apps that would update then not work with voiceover.
a friend of my wife brought her mini to me to update. she wants to get rid of of windows thats on it and just go with osx. she is blind so she just wants it stable. How far would you go on the software update?
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However, that may not be so critical in your case, since the UI for blind users is more dependent on the speed of the text to speech interface. I don't use the TTS stuff so I can't comment.
Not sure why people are talking about RAM. The OPs screenshot clearly shows there's already 8 GB installed.
El Capitan will have more features that can benefit the blind though and how it looks (cruddy) is irrelevant.
If I lost my vision today and had to pick just one OS, I would pick El Capitan with a SSD on the 2010 Mac Mini.