thank y'all But my screen when I click on mail princes show similar kind of EXCEPT I dint see I cloud or sub Like "on MY MAC" how do you get that "window y'all show to come up ? did you interpose one screen shot over it?
In other words I just see the screen under that NOT the one showing. I cloud
Sent messages
New Folder
On My Mac
I do see that part like your little "blurb" looking illustration...
another Question how do you "column in typing? I push Tab but the cursor. I have to manually do so. Like I had to do to put the words above like I cloud, Sent messages
new Folder, On my Mac the under it 'sent" al this on my laptop keyboard
Thinking you and y'all in advance as Im almost a PECK TYPIST
Oh also I didn't get an email notifications that I had y'all replies. I guess I dint scroll down and check "receive email" the I posted this QUESTion to y'all "patient and kind"fellow Mac users