Hello, I am interested in the Surface Pro 4 and at the same time I am waiting for a new Mac laptop. Right now, I only have an old MBP 17" 2010 (i7 2.66GHz, 8GB, Toshiba 500GB HD, Intel HD Graphics and Nvidia GeForce GT 330M with 512MB). In terms of overall performance and 3D graphics performance, how is the i5/i7 SP4 compared with the MBP 17" mid 2010 if the latter has a HD or SSD?
I know that it is good to upgrade the HD of my MBP 17" to SSD. If I do, I will buy the 1TB version. Given the cost, I wonder if I should just buy a SP4 instead.
I am less interested in the Surface Book even it has a GPU because: 1. It is heavier than the SP4. 2. When the screen is separated, the battery life is about an hour.
Here's my opinion about your situation...
You have a 17" dual core i7 awesome machine with a 500GB HDD in it. How often do you use the superdrive? If you're considering moving to a surface Pro, then why not spend money on your current machine to make it even more awesome? Many people will say that you're reaching the end of its useful life span,but that's crazy talk.
My wife's late 2009 iMac (with a 3.06 Core 2 Duo) runs El Capitan just fine with 8GB RAM and I don't see why her computer won't continue to be very useful for AT LEAST another 3-4 years. If you look at my signature, my newest AND primary computer is a 2005 PowerMac G5 that your current MBP would run circles around. I am capable of running dual HDDs, running iTunes 10.6.3, syncing with iOS devices running iOS 6 or older, streaming to Apple TV, using Handbrake..etc. It's a great machine and still very useful even given the fact that it is not supported at all with hardware/software and it's not even an Intel-based CPU.
All your computer needs is an upgrade to make it competitive again; and that's easy to do:
The first thing you should do is get a SSD and replace your existing HDD to max out the SATA 2 Bus and then you'll be reading and writing at 300MB/sec. If you replace the Superdrive with another SSD and RAID them together, you'll be getting SATA 3 speeds which is equal to the surface pro 4. This way you will have spent considerably less money by upgrading than to replace your current working machine. You also have more options of I/O ports/expandability compared
Sure, the resolution is higher on the SP4 but that doesn't always equate to more usability; just more clarity. You get one USB port and a mini display port. Not awesome.
With your machine you get the benefit of 3 USB ports/FW800/audio in and out/mini display port/ AND the Express 34 slot that gives you the possibility of awesomeness and expansion. If you're tired of USB 2.0 speeds, then put an expansion card in there for eSATA, or get a media card reader, get something that will connect to a cel network and use your phone's mobile hotspot feature when there's no WiFi available.
I just think that your machine is nowhere near the end of its useful life! Have fun and spend less money!