My friend found his old 11" 2010 Air and offered to sell it to me for a really great price. However since it has a 1.4 GHz Core 2 Duo and a 320M I am worried it will be really sluggish. I also am considering buying it and putting Lion or Mountain Lion on it. It would be replacing my late 2008 uMB. My main machine is still my iMac so I don't need power to edit video or anything, just something to view content and email while on the go or in bed. Also, I'm interested in how the screen quality compares to other MacBooks.
Part of me wants to buy it just because I was there when he unboxed it in 2010... But I need to buy new machines for my work soon, so I only want to buy this if it is going to be useful.
Part of me wants to buy it just because I was there when he unboxed it in 2010... But I need to buy new machines for my work soon, so I only want to buy this if it is going to be useful.