I live very simply. My technology needs are basic. I only use my computer to browse, read the news, watch videos on YouTube and a few other sites. I don't have an iPhone or any other technology.
My iMac is a mid-2007 model and I'm going to replace it with my tax refund. While I'm at it, I think I'd like to get an iPod, (I don't want a smart phone) and I have some questions, if anyone is kind enough to help.
1. Reading this forum, I see that the software is getting old. If I bought a current iPod Touch, how much longer would it still be supported by iTunes and software updates? Basically, how long will I be able to use it until I it flat out won't work anymore?
2. How long until the battery just won't hold much of a charge anymore? Can they be replaced?
3. Are there any fees when it's used to access the internet where wifi is available? (Like how iPhones have a monthly fee for internet access.) 99% of the reason I want it, though, is simply to do what the first iPods did... listen to music/books while I go for a walk. The other features aren't necessary at all.
4. Any cautions/warnings you might have? Advice/Tips?
5. Where can I get the best price on one?
Thanks for your help.
My iMac is a mid-2007 model and I'm going to replace it with my tax refund. While I'm at it, I think I'd like to get an iPod, (I don't want a smart phone) and I have some questions, if anyone is kind enough to help.
1. Reading this forum, I see that the software is getting old. If I bought a current iPod Touch, how much longer would it still be supported by iTunes and software updates? Basically, how long will I be able to use it until I it flat out won't work anymore?
2. How long until the battery just won't hold much of a charge anymore? Can they be replaced?
3. Are there any fees when it's used to access the internet where wifi is available? (Like how iPhones have a monthly fee for internet access.) 99% of the reason I want it, though, is simply to do what the first iPods did... listen to music/books while I go for a walk. The other features aren't necessary at all.
4. Any cautions/warnings you might have? Advice/Tips?
5. Where can I get the best price on one?
Thanks for your help.