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Original poster
May 16, 2019
Its crazy to me how everyone wishes to upgrade every year. I have an XR and my wife got an 11. I used for 3-4 days and honestly couldn't find any reason to upgrade. Sure the night camera is amazing but I can't even recall when I wanted to take a photo at night and really missed out. How long do you keep your current phones for?
I've been on the 2 year upgrade cycle since my first iPhone. This year will be the first time I'm going for 3. I'm expecting to upgrade next cycle unless I'm not wowed by the iPhone 12 Pro..
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I've been on the 2 year upgrade cycle since my first iPhone. This year will be the first time I'm going for 3. I'm expecting to upgrade next cycle unless I'm not wowed by the iPhone 12 Pro..

Which phone do you currently own?
I'm selling my iPhone X and use the funds towards the iPhone 11, which will only cost me $350 to upgrade. not bad at all for me. There's no reason for me to keep my iPhone X while the used resale price keeps going down. The cost difference to trade in/sell the old iPhone really makes a difference towards upgrading every year. I don't qualify for the iPhone upgrade program since I'm with cricket wireless, but the ability to pay monthly is really nice. I wish I could do that. Paying monthly instead of paying all at once makes it more affordable to upgrade yearly.

I don't upgrade every year, and I probably won't upgrade my iPhone 11 for the next 3 years once I get it.

The reason you dont see a difference between the XR and 11 is basically they are the same phone man, come on now.
I'm selling my iPhone X and use the funds towards the iPhone 11, which will only cost me $350 to upgrade. not bad at all for me. There's no reason for me to keep my iPhone X while the used resale price keeps going down. The cost difference to trade in/sell the old iPhone really makes a difference towards upgrading every year. I don't qualify for the iPhone upgrade program since I'm with cricket wireless, but the ability to pay monthly is really nice. I wish I could do that. Paying monthly instead of paying all at once makes it more affordable to upgrade yearly.

I don't upgrade every year, and I probably won't upgrade my iPhone 11 for the next 3 years once I get it.

The reason you dont see a difference between the XR and 11 is basically they are the same phone man, come on now.

I mean iPhone X isnt so bad either. I use my iPhone 7 as a backup phone and everything is quick. No lags. So I doubt iPhone X is slowing down for you.
Its crazy to me how everyone wishes to upgrade every year. I have an XR and my wife got an 11. I used for 3-4 days and honestly couldn't find any reason to upgrade. Sure the night camera is amazing but I can't even recall when I wanted to take a photo at night and really missed out. How long do you keep your current phones for?

I usually upgraded every series started out with 3GS, 4,5,6+,7,8,XS and now 11pro. Hopefully I’ll hold back and not upgrade for the next phone. Admittedly from from variant to the next have not seen much of a change in the use of the phone but I always seem to want the newest one out
true, but there's gonna come a point where the resale value wont even be worth selling and I gotta jump and take advantage of it since my phone is 2 years old now. not to mention the battery health will only decrease. $350 to upgrade after selling my iPhone X is worth it. It's not so much the features anymore for me, but trying to maximize the value out of the old iphone and the new iPhone.
I upgrade every year. Admittedly I do like to have the latest and greatest and I can afford to do so. I do always sell the previous phone for the most I can get for it to subsidise the new one. There may not be huge differences between the Xs Max which I had before and the 11 Pro Max I have now but the Face ID and camera alone are hugely improved and that alone is enough for me.
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true, but there's gonna come a point where the resale value wont even be worth selling and I gotta jump and take advantage of it since my phone is 2 years old now. not to mention the battery health will only decrease. $350 to upgrade after selling my iPhone X is worth it. It's not so much the features anymore for me, but trying to maximize the value out of the old iphone and the new iPhone.
Valid points.
I don’t upgrade every year, don’t see the point. I don’t need the latest and greatest every year. I upgrade every two years.
Since iPhone 3GS, I think I’ve only skipped 3 generations. The 5, 7 and X (bought 8 plus that year instead. I was sceptical about Face ID). So pretty much every year.

My phone is one of the primary sources of access to technology I have in general all the time, I’m not a massive gamer but I am a phone photography enthusiast so the 11 Pro was a no brainer this year for me.
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Its crazy to me how everyone wishes to upgrade every year. I have an XR and my wife got an 11. I used for 3-4 days and honestly couldn't find any reason to upgrade. Sure the night camera is amazing but I can't even recall when I wanted to take a photo at night and really missed out. How long do you keep your current phones for?
I am a reformed Apple addict. My goal is to upgrade every 3 years. Before I upgraded yearly but I’m sticking with my xs max and glad I’m doing so. I’d love to make 3 years but every two would be a change for me. So yes I’m 1rottenapple and I’m an Apple addict.
iPhone 3G
iPhone 4
iPhine 5
iPhone 6
iPhone 7 Plus
iPhone X
iPhone 11 Pro

I always skipped the ‘S’ models, but used to jump in quickly when the new model came out. Recently I’ve done that less and not felt the need to upgrade anywhere near as much.

I was hesitating on going from the X to the 11 Pro, but really glad I did. I’m just selling my (loved but little used) camera gear which more than covers the cost of the phone.

I already know that if the phone next year is a big upgrade then I’ll buy it. I bought the 11 with that in mind, and will use the money made from the camera / selling the 11 to cover the cost of next year. If its not such a big year, then I’ll wait.
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I used to but then again I used to buy a new phone for $700 and sell my old one for $400 each year. This year was the first year I skipped. Every single other year I got the new iPhone on the day it was released. For my purposes the camera has been more than adequate for a while so if next years phone is just faster with a better camera I may skip again. I think my dog looks pretty good in the pictures I took of him on my iPhone 7.
I roughly upgrade every 4 years. Maybe three with iPhone. My MacBook Pro is due for an upgrade next year I already feel the pain for my finances.
When I was using Android phones (2008-2014), I used to upgrade every 6 months or so. I was on T-Mobile at the time and the loyalty department was quick to give out full upgrade pricing. In 2014, I switched to the iPhone 6 and, since then, have been keeping my phones a lot longer. My iPhone timeline is 6, 6s Plus, X, 11 Pro. I was actually considering keeping the X for another year, but my wife's 11 Pro gave me serious phone envy and the $400 trade-in value for the X (not a bad deal for a 2 year old phone) made the decision to upgrade easier.
I roughly upgrade every 4 years. Maybe three with iPhone. My MacBook Pro is due for an upgrade next year I already feel the pain for my finances.

I'm still using a mid-2012 non-Retina MBP, mainly because my primary computer is a desktop PC. With a couple of upgrades (bumped the RAM up to 16GB and installed a 512GB SSD), the MBP is still chugging along fine. As much as I'd love to have one of the new MBPs, I can't justify spending over $2,000 on something that I'd use casually.
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