I'm a self-professed gadget junkie who suffers from shinyitis, so I'm always looking at new and upcoming tech. In my Android days, I used to go through 2-3 phones a year. Back then, the carriers still had 2 year contracts, and all it took to upgrade was a call to the loyalty department to get upgrade pricing. I'd flip whatever phone I had at the time, usually getting more than what I paid for it.
Fast forward to today. I've been using iPhones since 2014 and got the X on release day. I opted for the 256GB model and, on my wife's insistence, AppleCare+. The total damage was around $1,475 (including NYC taxes), which is a hefty pill to swallow. As such, I will be keeping this phone until the 2019 cycle. I have no interest in switching back to Android; even if I did, my only choice would be a Pixel device, as timely software updates are extremely important to me.