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Cory Bauer

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 26, 2003
Both my iPhone 5 and now my iPhone 6 lose about a percentage per hour overnight while my phone sits untouched and unplugged with Do Not Disturb enabled. That's 8% over an 8-hour night. This to me seems very excessive, considering it should be doing almost nothing beyond receiving a few push notifications.

I could almost get two days worth of battery if I go to bed with 50% remaining, but when I wake up and it's down to 42%, that's not going to cut it. What's everyone else's experience? Thanks!


macrumors 68030
May 16, 2011
Eau Claire, WI
Both my iPhone 5 and now my iPhone 6 lose about a percentage per hour overnight while my phone sits untouched and unplugged with Do Not Disturb enabled. That's 8% over an 8-hour night. This to me seems very excessive, considering it should be doing almost nothing beyond receiving a few push notifications.

I could almost get two days worth of battery if I go to bed with 50% remaining, but when I wake up and it's down to 42%, that's not going to cut it. What's everyone else's experience? Thanks!

from 100% at 6:00 PM to 9:15 AM (very little use) went to 88%

anyway, you have all kinds of programs that use "push" while you are not using it (facebook for instance)


macrumors 68020
Apr 4, 2011
I average 10 hours of battery life on my iPhone 6 and this is with heavy web browsing, gaming, and video watching. The only issue is that 2 days in a row, my battery went down by 15% overnight. What could be causing this issue? This happened ever since iOS 8 because I never had this problem on my iPhone 5 with iOS 7. I would lose maybe 3% tops in sleep mode overnihgt.


macrumors 601
Apr 19, 2010
How much battery do you lose overnight?

My 6 either stays the same (0%) or uses 1% on standby overnight (6-9 hours).

Same with my previous 5s.
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macrumors 601
Sep 16, 2014
I think a lot of it is going to depend on how strong your network connection is, what background tasks you have running, auto update being a big drain I think along with many other factors.

My 6+ has been through a few battery cycles now and the best I've had out of it so far is losing 2% overnight from a full charge. At the moment it's sitting at 17% after 1 day 17 hours on standby with 8 hours 31 minutes of use. Most of that being web browsing, messaging and games.

I'm going to let it get down to 0 again one more time and then I'm just going to start using it as I normally would, I don't see it getting any better for me.

I honestly don't remember the figures for my 5s, but I don't remember it ever lasting near that well. Not that that'll be a shock to anyone with the 6+ having a bigger battery.


macrumors member
Jun 21, 2012
My 6+ has only lost 1% the 2 nights I haven't had it charged overnight. With wifi connected and Facebook on.

Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
Have no idea as mine is alwasy on the charger at night.

1% an hours is not bad when you consider it has to keep a radio up and running to receive any messages or texts, so it is using power.

Cory Bauer

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 26, 2003
Phone received no push notifications last night, but battery still dropped 5% in 8 hours. Meanwhile, the WiFi-only iPad right next to it (also with bluetooth enabled) was at 70% battery when I went to bed and 70% when I woke up.

Any ideas? There's no indication of background activity in the battery usage pane ; the first 3rd party app on the list is Instagram and that's 10th down with only 2% usage.


macrumors 6502
Dec 2, 2010
Posts like that makes me question peoples' common sense. Why would you not charge your phone overnight, when you are sleeping? If you are trying to save electricity, you probably shouldn't buy a $600 phone.

Do you not get gas when your tank in the car runs low? Do you just wait until it stalls?


Sep 4, 2012
Oh i didn't see this post, i just started my own thread!

My iphone 6 died 2 nights in a row when i went to bed with 20-25%! And i got about 7-8 hours of usage to that point... So i don't really understand what's draining the battery

Cory Bauer

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 26, 2003
Posts like that makes me question peoples' common sense. Why would you not charge your phone overnight, when you are sleeping? If you are trying to save electricity, you probably shouldn't buy a $600 phone.

Do you not get gas when your tank in the car runs low? Do you just wait until it stalls?
What we're discussing is more akin to parking your car in the garage at night with half a tank of gas left in it and coming to find the next morning that another quarter of a tank leaked out onto the floor while you were asleep. You wouldn't want to fix the leak?


macrumors member
Jan 25, 2012
You are prob backing up or syncing to iCloud overnight

The other night, something woke me up at 3am, so i unplugged my phone. When i got up at 7:30/8, it was still 100%. This is a pic of the battery usage.



macrumors regular
Sep 16, 2014
What we're discussing is more akin to parking your car in the garage at night with half a tank of gas left in it and coming to find the next morning that another quarter of a tank leaked out onto the floor while you were asleep. You wouldn't want to fix the leak?

Terrible comparison. Just terrible.


macrumors member
Sep 24, 2014
Posts like that makes me question peoples' common sense. Why would you not charge your phone overnight, when you are sleeping? If you are trying to save electricity, you probably shouldn't buy a $600 phone.

Do you not get gas when your tank in the car runs low? Do you just wait until it stalls?

it costs about .55c per year to charge an iPhone for 3 hours a day, every day. :)


Sep 13, 2014
This is a good question. I think the iPhone 6 drains relatively quickly. I'm guessing it has everything to do with iOS 8. It seems that every time a new version comes out there are battery drain issues.

I lost about 4% overnight last night. It was at 93% last night and then at 89% in the morning. Seems excessive.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2010
I would double check the notification settings. There are many apps that want to push notify you while there no good reason for the users.


macrumors regular
Jan 30, 2008
Seattle, WA area
I was curious on this also, and just checked my iPhone 6 last night/this morning.

It used 5% of the battery in about a 7 hour period. Historically, it's been between 5 to 10 percent with my previous iPhones, so seemed pretty normal to me.



macrumors 604
Feb 3, 2010
United Kingdom
I nearly always charge mine overnight, but my iPhone 5 would lose ~15-20% if I didn't. Probably due to push notifications and location services.

Picked up my 6 Plus today but haven't set it up yet. Hoping the battery is better!


macrumors 6502
Dec 10, 2008
This is a huge problem on android too. I saw it on HTC One and LG G2, but it was never the phone or the OS, it was always an app or a setting.

Fortunately on android there are some spectacular power analysis apps able to detect wakelocks with root acess. If you have a legit battery problem, I'd start by resetting EVERYTHING back to factory. Don't setup any profiles (including iCloud) and run a hands-off 8 hour test. I expect you will see much lower consumption. From there, you can gradually add services and apps testing as you go to hunt down the culprit.

There is one decent battery app in the store that shows relative consumption by apps. I used it to find out the Nest app was a battery hog EVEN IDLE. I solved that by deleting the app, using safari to login to my nest account, and creating a shortcut on the desktop. Boom: no more battery drain, same functionality.

Start by hunting down power hungry apps or settings. Location services are also battery hogs. How often do you see the location triangle in your status bar? Figure out what app is hitting location services in the background and that will save some juice. Also, turn off background app refresh for apps that don't need updates if you're not using them.

My phone will idle for up to three hours off charge at 100% and on wifi. It's not iOS and it's probably not your phone. If you really want to figure it out you have to be methodical. Start with a clean slate, establish baseline expectation and add capabilities until you find the culprit.

I hate to say it but there are plenty of app developers who do not care for battery life in their programming. Don't blame the phone and don't blame the iOS unless that legitimate clean slate baseline does not meet your expectations.

PS I think the battery app I mentioned is Battery Doctor. Trying to download but gogo inflight is slooooooooowwwww.
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