1) Did you notice that the OP referenced that he is using an AT&T iPhone
2) Did you also notice he asked how much data the MyWi uses.
3) Did you notice anywhere in his post that he wanted to know how much data the Verizon iPhone personal hotspot was using?
1) OP never mentioned he was using AT&T Phone
2) Read carefully OP was asking a question in future tense
As the thread title says, how much data will the mobile hotspot use up per minute/hour?
3)"The Mobile hotspot", as in the recently announced one = as in the one that comes with iOS 4.2.5. for the Verizon iPhone (yet to be released) or potentially in iOS 4.3 for AT&T (also yet to be released)
4) He then asked an unrelated question. MiWi is a jailbroken app, that is not supported by AT&T or a stock feature of the current iOS.
This is unrelated to a feature already built into the phone such as the iOS mobile hotspot option in question.
I've been using MiWi since it was first released, but that has nothing to do with how much data a mobile hotspot will use, nor does it give me any idea how much the future hotspot feature will use. ( who knows maybe it uses 50mb in background communication, it has yet to be released, so who can say)
Also I have an unlimited plan, you can't compare the usage of someone with an unlimited plan to someone with a 2GB or 5GB limit.
A better question would be.
"This question is aimed at iPhone users who don't have an unlimited data plan and use MiWi to tether their laptop.
I have a 2GB iPhone plan. If AT&T ever allows a mobile hotspot option, how much data do you think I will use tethering my laptop to my device"