I like to play with my Wii every day. A lot of times, though, I may go several days without playing. Other days, if I actually have free time, I may play with my Wii several times in a single day. It also depends on how exciting the game is. I may get tired or worn out. Other times, I may have the energy to keep going and going.
When I was younger, I used to play a lot. I just don't have time like I used to...nor the stamina I did like when I was a teenager. Like many of us, responsibilities, work and the real world take precedence. Dating tends to be more fun too. Though, my last girlfriend loved getting her hands on my Wii and that was more fun than any of the solo playing. I love games...but my personal experience has been, since college, my gaming time has steadily been decreasing. I'll never stop playing, though. It's been and will always be a great form of entertainment for me.