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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 10, 2010
So far, the Late 09 mac mini is still receiving updates for the latest OS X. But my question is how much life can still be brought to it.

To main focus these days is that the GPU is a vital part of pushing a lot of the new animation features they bring to each new OS release. My old late 09' macbook is still kicking but i did put in a 128gb SSD and 8gb of RAM in it to breathe some new life.

I do notice a difference in how it performs to my mid 2012 13" macbook pro with 256gb SSD and 8gb RAM.

So how much longer do you think the mac mini has before they stop supporting it?
iMacs and MBPs from 2007 still support the latest OS X, and there is no sign they will drop it soon. So I would guess quite a bit longer. If you find it OSX taxing on the GPU, you can turn off some of the animations.
Only Apple knows for sure.

While officially Apple is unlikely to drop support for the moment I suspect using the oldest supported Macs with the 10.12+ OS isn't necessarily the smartest idea given how demanding 10.10 and 10.11 are currently on the oldest supported Macs.

Obviously installing SSD and maxing RAM will help but I am not certain how well the weak GPU on the oldest supported Macs is going to cope if Apple continues to add more animation to OS...

I might be wrong and Apple will greatly improve the speed of oldest supported Macs without raising requirements but for some reason find it unlikely to happen...
Not much is known outside of Apple about the 10.12 update right now. Improved performance and stability is said to remain a goal of the new version, so I would guess the older Macs won't be dropped unless Apple finally decides to cut them off.

My late 2008 MacBook Air isn't the quickest Mac on El Capitan, but it's still nice to be able to run the latest version of OS X and an SSD upgrade makes it bearable.
Thanks for the input guys. Just on the edge of purchasing a used one for under 200 as a simple desktop for home use. I have an extra SSD laying around and 2x2gb sticks of RAM. I think I might just bite the bullet
Eventually it will become unsupported by the latest and greatest OS, but even when it does, it'll still get security updates for another year or two. And even after that, it's not like it will stop doing what it does now. The 2009 minis are wonderful little machines. My dad has been using one for the last six years now to run his business, and he still likes it.
The '09 Mini will run OS X 10.11, though all features are only available on the most recent computers. That is especially true of the connectivity with other devices. Updates to OS X usually continue through another three or four generations, though updates come less frequently the older a version of OS X is.

So, if the '09 Mini is still running the original OS X 10.5 or OS X 10.6, software support will be minimal; maybe the odd security update at most. If it is running 10.11 it will be well supported, with all updates available irrespective of the hardware.

Whether or not OS X 10.12 will run on an '09 Mini remains to be seen. My guess is that it won't.

As for the hardware, here is Apple's policy:

Owners of iPhone, iPad, iPod, or Mac products may obtain service and parts from Apple or Apple service providers for 5 years after the product is no longer manufactured—or longer where required by law. Apple has discontinued support for certain technologically obsolete and vintage products.

Vintage products are those that have not been manufactured for more than 5 and less than 7 years ago. Apple has discontinued hardware service for vintage products with the following exceptions:

  • Mac products purchased in the country of Turkey. Owners of vintage Mac products may obtain service and parts from Apple service providers within the country of Turkey.
  • Products purchased in the state of California, United States, as required by statute.
Obsolete products are those that were discontinued more than 7 years ago. Apple has discontinued all hardware service for obsolete products with no exceptions. Service providers cannot order parts for obsolete products.
Given that 2007 iMacs (which are 9 years old now) do run OS X El Capitan, I am inclined to think Apple will give the 09 Minis a few more years.
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