So far, the Late 09 mac mini is still receiving updates for the latest OS X. But my question is how much life can still be brought to it.
To main focus these days is that the GPU is a vital part of pushing a lot of the new animation features they bring to each new OS release. My old late 09' macbook is still kicking but i did put in a 128gb SSD and 8gb of RAM in it to breathe some new life.
I do notice a difference in how it performs to my mid 2012 13" macbook pro with 256gb SSD and 8gb RAM.
So how much longer do you think the mac mini has before they stop supporting it?
To main focus these days is that the GPU is a vital part of pushing a lot of the new animation features they bring to each new OS release. My old late 09' macbook is still kicking but i did put in a 128gb SSD and 8gb of RAM in it to breathe some new life.
I do notice a difference in how it performs to my mid 2012 13" macbook pro with 256gb SSD and 8gb RAM.
So how much longer do you think the mac mini has before they stop supporting it?