I'd wait for the next iteration if i were you.
I've had the Series 2, 4, 6 and now on the Ultra 2.
If you don’t care about latest and greatest, buy on a good sale a previous release.Thinking of using the older Series 6 as an exercise watch or just a spare watch. Then get the newer one coming out soon as my main.
If you mean OS updates I do them every time they are released as they usually contain valuable security updates. If you mean hardware that is up to you.Trying to determine if it is worth upgrading yet. Currently have a Series 6.
Almost same for me - 0, 3, 4, Ultra 1For me Series 0, 4 and 9
I've had 1, 2, 3 and now (still) 4. I'm using the apple watch mainly for health related functions and so far nothing substantial has appeared in new models since the 4.Trying to determine if it is worth upgrading yet. Currently have a Series 6.