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How protective are you of your Apple Watch?

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Sunset Cassette

macrumors member
Dec 9, 2021
My Series 6 is on my wrist at all times, except when taken off to charge during my daily morning shower.

I try to take relatively good care of it, but as many people have expressed in this thread already; if it needs to be babied and can't keep up with my lifestyle (I work in an office so pretty minor demands) then what's the point of wearing this watch at all.

The occasional bump/bang/scrape is inevitable to happen in day-to-day life unless you are hyper conscious of it 24/7 which just isn't practical. I've had mine since its launch and the screen has definitely collected its fair share of scuffs and scratches, but the aluminum housing, buttons, etc. have all held up remarkably well.

I'm pleasantly surprised with how well the device has aged, as it is now my "oldest" piece of everyday use tech (arguably most used if you can count wearing it as active use) and probably will only upgrade if the fabled Watch X has some big design changes, or once this one starts to severely lack battery capability.


macrumors newbie
Nov 29, 2023
United States
I owned the Series 4 for 5 years and never had a single issue with it. When I upgraded to the Ultra I had a small little chip in the body and a hairline scratch that wasn't even deep enough to feel. Neither of them impacted my trade-in with Apple for the Ultra.

Nowadays with the Ultra, I don't pay much attention to "taking care" of it. I don't have cases or screen protectors and personally would never use those on my watches, they're already so big. The most care I take with the watch is removing it before showering to avoid soap scum issues, and using the water features after a swim.


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2002
Watch Ultra.
I have a screen protector and a snap-on top case that mimics the original look.


Aug 28, 2003
Forget about what? oh that thing I wear on my wrist to keep me from scratching my skin? It does its job fine.

No seriously, rarely think about it unless I am about to put my hands in mud or some such. Looks fine to me. But then I am not one to sweat small scratches or get angst about my midnight blue MBA 15 getting fingerprints (havent wiped it once, its patina), or any of the million things I see people complaining about. It's a tool. Not a fashion statement. Scuff marks are the sign of a tool well used.


macrumors 603
Apr 8, 2009
I take good care of it, like I do with anything I own, but I wouldn't say I baby it. It gets knocked on doorways and clipped on walls etc every now and then. If I'm going to put my arm into a tight gap where I think it's likely to be scratched (like if I'm running a cable or whatever) I'll probably take it off, but it's showing no wear from everyday use so far. These things are tougher than people think they are.


macrumors 6502
Sep 4, 2009
My ultra is pretty dinged up, and the sapphire screen has a couple of scratches. I've fell on it, I've hit doors and walls with it, I swim and sleep and shower with it. It still works great, and I can't imagine babying a device that sits on one of the most exposed parts on the body. It would be a losing battle to keep it intact.
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macrumors regular
Mar 7, 2012
Iowa, USA
I just smashed my S5 playing racquetball so… not too careful. 😢

Rough day! It was holding up great too.


macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2016
I have a Series 8 cellular and I don’t baby it at all.

However, I try to avoid getting water on it.

-Despite cleaning it only in clear, tap water, I never get the feeling that all the water has been pushed out after using the water lock feature.

I know my AppleCare plan doesn’t cover water damage for it. So I think it’s best to not tempt fate even if a new Watch isn’t that expensive for me.

I usually run a two/three cycles of the water ejection feature.
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macrumors newbie
May 28, 2004
I think "I just put it on and forget about it" is a bit misleading. I don't really baby my watch; but I'll be damned if I let anyone else near it. To me it's part watch; part security key. So I protect it... but I don't have to think about it. I charge it before I go to sleep and wear it during sleep and while awake. It's almost always attached to me.

Thomas Davie

macrumors 6502a
Jan 20, 2004
I charge it before bedtime and then wear it until next day’s charging. I no longer work in a lab so I don’t bave to worry about multiple caustic chemicals or animal excreta (animal science lab) or general knockabouts. I’m on medical retirement and my time is spent between home, the dialysis unit @ a hospital and the shopping centre, so it isn’t subject to harsh conditons. I just treat it like my first watch (a windup Timex from 1967).

I do understand that I’m walking around with the most expensive watch I’ve ever owned - but I’ve got troubles enough to start worrying about a watch 😀

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