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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 20, 2022
The default photo icon thumbnail size for Finder is tiny. I think it is 64 x 64 pixels. So, in the Finder I went to View | Show View Options and made it larger and made it the default. All is good. Well, I thought all was good. Then I discovered all was not good, only some was good. :) By the way, I am using Monterey 12.2.1.

When using Finder directly all is good, but then when I am on a forum, on Facebook, or anywhere else when I want to add a photo to a post a Finder window pops up with the original tiny thumbnails. :( How can I make this pop up Finder show the default thumbnail size that I set?

Here is a screenshot of what I see when I try to add a photo to a forum, Facebook, etc. post:


Here is a screenshot of Finder with the new default thumbnail size:


Any ideas on how I can get the thumbnail size to be larger in the Finder window that pops up when I want to add a photo?
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Staff member
Aug 9, 2009
A sea of green
I would try changing the View style in the "Choose Files to Upload" dialog window. There are controls to the left of the hierarchical popup (shows "WHITE 32GB" in screenshot), so look there for available options.

For example, I gave up on Icon view years and years ago. Instead, I use the Columns view with the Preview pane visible on the right. This lets me navigate with the arrow keys, and if it's an image file selected, it shows up at a decent size, certainly bigger than in Icon view. For me, this is better than Icon view, not least because the image files don't need thumbnails.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 20, 2022
Thanks for that suggestion. I had already thought of that, but it is not all that useful for me. I have folders with lots of files and I am always skimming through the folder looking for 1, 2, 3, etc. particular photos to add to a post on some forum, an email, Facebook, etc.. On average I do this 10-20 times a day. The Columns view does not allow skimming through the folder to quickly find photos. I would have to click on EACH AND EVERY PHOTO to see it on the side. Thanks again though.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 20, 2022
I have been searching trying to find the answer. This is what I found:


I found the file. What kind of file is it? How do I edit it? I tried TextEdit, but it just displayed a mess.

I searched on the internet and found that I should download Xcode which includes the Property List Editor:

Well, I am not going to do any of this. This is braindead.


macrumors 68020
Nov 22, 2007
Aalborg, Denmark
I just tried too. My solution? was to use QuickLook - select all files in folder or USB drive.. press the spacebar. Your last selection in QuickLook is your selected image to upload

If you choose CMD+A and select all images in your particular folder in the dialog window and then using the Grid view, then this doesn't select your last viewed image to upload as you've selected all images to view. You'll end up uploading all the files instead.


macrumors 68020
Nov 22, 2007
Aalborg, Denmark
Also, I noticed your complaint about having to look through all images one by one when using Column Mode.. I don't think that my suggestion is anything worthwhile for you try then. You'll end up getting a bigger preview of the picture because of QuickLook.

Hopefully something comes along that will help you. You can try the CMD+A suggestion though and then memorize the image filename if you want to upload that one special picture.


macrumors 68020
Nov 22, 2007
Aalborg, Denmark
I'm also not entire certain that my next suggestion to use DefaultFolderX would do anything to up the picture thumbnail. I haven't ventured down that path yet.
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Staff member
Aug 9, 2009
A sea of green
... The Columns view does not allow skimming through the folder to quickly find photos. I would have to click on EACH AND EVERY PHOTO to see it on the side. Thanks again though.
No clicks are needed when using the arrow keys. Left and right arrows move between columns. Up and down arrows move between items within a column.
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