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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 7, 2018
N.E. Michigan
Is it possible to use Bluetooth in the iMac Pro 2017 to "cast" audio to a Denon Bluetooth receiver? I may be misunderstanding the use of Bluetooth, but I cannot get the mac and receiver to 'pair'... is there a trick to this, or is this not even possible? When both devices are set to pair, nothing happens. Bluetooth is ON for both. I only have 3 active Bluetooth pairings (keyboard, mouse, track pad), and I understand there can be up to 8 devices. The mac and Denon are in different rooms but within range of each other.
This may be a stupid question, but have you tried opening up bluetooth preferences (in system preferences) during the pairing process? The bluetooth menu appears only to detect devices that the mac already knows about (i.e not your Denon).
Not stupid at all, jerwin... and yes, I've had the preferences open while trying to get them to pair. And if memory serves, I've seen the Denon listed in the Devices list before, but hadn't realized yet what I was doing... and since then it has not appeared and just won't connect, no matter what I've done on each end.
It will work on wifi, poorly, but still nada on bluetooth. Might be the distance between the gear, about 30 feet with one wall. Apple's useless suggestion was to put the iMac Pro in the same room as the Denon. Not an option. Ordered a bluetooth 'extender' and hope it works.
30 ft and a wall will make it impossible to get a signal. This would do the trick:
1Mii B03Pro Long Range Bluetooth 5.0 Transmitter Receiver Bluetooth Audio Adapter Bluetooth Transmitter for TV PC Home Stereo, aptX HD & Low Latency,
Thanks for the recommendation... but have already ordered this ($30):
Besign BE-RX Long Range Bluetooth Audio Adapter, Wireless Home HD Music Receiver for Music Streaming, Aptx, Support Optical, Coaxial & 3.5mm Audio
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