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macrumors member
Original poster
May 22, 2009
Malmo, Sweden
I wonder if there is a way to simply find out if a specific NSTextField is active or in Focus.

Probably one can use the firstResponder... like this but I get warning
NSResponder may not respond to delegate...

NSTextField *aFiled = [thisWindow firstResponder] delegate]
if (aField == muTextField) {
    NSLog(@"muTextField is in focus");
} else {
   NSLog(@"muTextField is not in focus");

Are there any other means of getting this done ?

I will appreciate a tip.
Thank you in advance.
Just compare the firstResponder directly:
if ([thisWindow firstResponder] == muTextField) ...
Hi Kainjow

It does not help.

It never be equal, I have tested it already. I got it equal only if I refer to "delegate" as in my example,then it works but there is a warning.

Any clue why ?

Thanks for trying.
In NSDocument application.

I have several NSTextFields and depending on which one is active/in Focus a specified action is required when NSButton is pressed.

I got it working by doing this, but do not understand why.

    if ([(id)[thisWindow firstResponder] delegate] == (id)bookmarkField) {
        NSLog(@" field active make action A");
    } else {
        NSLog(@" field not active make action B");

I believe a text field will send NSControl's delegate a -control:textShouldBeginEditing: whenever it gets focus (assuming it is enabled and editable). You could make your NSDocument object (or some other object) a delegate to the text fields and use that message to set the action on the button.
Hi Sydde,
Well it can be done, but I am not interested when it gets focus, I am interested if it has focus when I press a button or press enter.

I got it working when pressing button , but when pressing enter I do get different firstResponder. This bothers me.
What happen with responder when we press ENTER, Why it is not longer the highlighted NSTextField...

Lots of Questions..

Thanks any way.
For a NSTextField, enter is a signal that editing is done. Toucan also capture this with a delegate method, -control:shouldEndEditing: . This can be useful if you want the program to decide which field should get focus (e.g., if the content of the field might suggest targeting a different field). I have not studied up much on the responder chain, you might want to.
Oh I just realized... The first responder may be the field editor. you may want to read up on that too.
Thanks for comments I got it working in another way. No sides effects as when using the firstRespnder construction.

in the
- (void)awakeFromNib

I set up the target and action of the NSTextField

    [muTextField setTarget:self];
    [muTextField setAction:@selector(makeAnAction:)];

Then pressing ENTER the makeAnAction method is called.
This works fine for me.

To determine if NSTextField is in focus, you can use

- (BOOL)isTextFieldInFocus:(NSTextField *)textField
	BOOL inFocus = NO;
	inFocus = ([[[textField window] firstResponder] isKindOfClass:[NSTextView class]]
			   && [[textField window] fieldEditor:NO forObject:nil]!=nil
			   && [textField isEqualTo:(id)[(NSTextView *)[[textField window] firstResponder]delegate]]);
	return inFocus;
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