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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 5, 2015
Hi All,

It is possible to clone a OC/Boot disk onto another HDD or SSD? Or should I just install it again on the new drive?

It would be great if you could clone it, as it would be much quicker and avoid all the downloading/installing all my Apps again.

I recently found out the hard way that you shouldn't have two OCLP enabled drives in the same system, this is an edge case I guess, I assume that after cloning if you immediately shutdown and remove the drive in question this would be ok????

All the Best
You can clone it with CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper (if that works, depends).

The ESP you can copy with one of my scripts: Copy ESP, part of the Dumper package in the ESP Tools.

Another option is to boot another OS or Installer on another physical device, not part of either source and destination. Then use the built in DD cli tool to block copy source to destination, both drives must have at least same size, destination could be larger.

If block copied no need to copy the ESP. CCC / SuperDuper do not copy the ESP.

Ok, I want to copy MacOS and the OC stuff on a 2TB HDD onto smaller (~200 GB) HDD and then to a (~200 GB) SSD and make it bootable. I guess I'll just have to install it again?
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