Hi ndebard and welcome to *nix Apple-style.
As mentioned above, if the window is bordered you'll be able to grab and drag using the visible edge. However, you'll have to come to terms with the window manager in OS X, which is not going to supply the same style of power-user capabilities as you might be used to in Linux.
The bottom line is that there's no alternate way that I know of to drag a window. However, if your problem is that you've moved a window above the menu bar, first thing is: don't do that. It can be very frustrating and I've "lost" some windows that way in Adobe GoLive (another very frustrating thing, IMHO) and finally resorted to trashing the pref's for that app in order to reset to the default window configuration.
In order to get your window back, click once in the window to select it, then go to Window > Zoom in the menu bar (assuming the application you're using offers this menu). Most apps do.
The Zoom command should reset your window into the visible desktop space, granting you access to the title bar once again.
Enjoy getting to know OS X. There are actually many power-user tips and tricks that you'll learn over time that make OS X kick-*ss, even when considering the window-manager-lite style of it's interface.
My number one suggestion for increasing productivity in OS X, especially for anybody used to *nix or who can type is
Launch Bar by
Objective Development.
At $20 for a home user license, it's the absolutely most fantastic utility/productivity/efficiency app I've ever used in all my fifteen years on the Mac. If you try it out, make sure to learn how to configure it to set which directories it should index, as well as an appropriate key command for your work style. I can't recommend it highly enough and couldn't imagine working without it.