I'm selling something on craigslist and took pictures of the item. How can I make sure the pictures don't have a geotag on them? And do you have to have a computer to find this? Can an iOS device show this metadata?
Go to "settings" --> "privacy" --> "location services" --> "camera".
Select "never"
Now your camera will not have access to your location information, and therefore cannot embed it in photos. Unfortunately most people don't know that location data is embedded in photos taken on their phones and tablets by default.
It displays the information in the photo app above the photo in moments. If you tap the place name it'll open maps.
Sure does. How can you remove the geotag from an iOS device?
deGeo - Geotag Remover
There is a really useful app called Koredoko that will show the meta-data associated with all the photos on your camera roll. You can use it to see the geo info of all your photos and any you receive. It won't remove the data, but you can assure yourself it's not present in any photo you intend to send to anyone else.