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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 25, 2008
Hey guys.

Ok so I felt like trying out iMovie today. A little window came up asking me to create thumbnails of every single video in my iPhoto library. So, I clicked Now and it went ahead and made thumbnails. I regret clicking Now because it wasted about 20GB of space and I want to know how to get those 20GB back.

So, how do I get rid off all those thumbnails that I created? I feel like an idiot now because I can't figure out how to get rid of them.


Thanks for your help.

EDIT: Now when I look at the videos in Finder, there aren't any thumbnails anymore!? What the hell! I am kicking myself now.

Ok so I used iMovie today, created thumbnails for each video, I am completely regretting that now.

It wasted about 20GB of space doing that. Also, thumbnails for things in Finder are gone! Like video thumbnails, file thumbnails, you name it. Gone.

How do I get those 20GB back and what happened to all the thumbnails?

I'm kinda angry right now because I did this now everything is messed up. :mad:

Thanks for helping.
I do not know about the thubmnails, but I bet your space issue is because imovie made a copy of each of your movies and put the copies in
homefolder/Movies/iMovie Events or homefolder/Movies/iMovie Projects (I do not remember which)
I do not know about the thubmnails, but I bet your space issue is because imovie made a copy of each of your movies and put the copies in
homefolder/Movies/iMovie Events or homefolder/Movies/iMovie Projects (I do not remember which)

Just checked there and there are no copies are the videos there. Omg. :(
I have the same problem bro did you find out how to fix it, I was avoiding the now button until one day I got sick and tired of it always popping up so I hit now, now I wish I could take it back
Hey dudes I just figured it out yes!!! now I can put my movie into Imovie all you gatt do is import what ever you want to import to Imovie into Iphoto then go to Imovie and go to Iphoto movies and its as easy as that when you have Iphoto
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