Is there any way to create a certificated digital signature on Mac to insert the signature in Word?
My organization has just required us to use certificated signature in all documents. And there are guides for Windows users but not Mac OS .
In Windows, they use Selfcert.exe file in MS Office folder, and there is a "Insert signature line" option in Words. I know in Preview of Mac OS, we can insert signature for a PDF file, but that signature is just an image, not a certificated signature.
I really appreciate your help!
Is there any way to create a certificated digital signature on Mac to insert the signature in Word?
My organization has just required us to use certificated signature in all documents. And there are guides for Windows users but not Mac OS .
In Windows, they use Selfcert.exe file in MS Office folder, and there is a "Insert signature line" option in Words. I know in Preview of Mac OS, we can insert signature for a PDF file, but that signature is just an image, not a certificated signature.
I really appreciate your help!