I recall reading about this problem a while back but can't find anything via search right now. Can someone either point me to links where solution options for booting a mid 2012 Mini from an external HDD was discussed or describe what is needed? My ext. HDD is a 3 TB Seagate model SRD00F2 from Costco which only has USB 3.0 and no other options. If an adapter is needed, is there a recommended one that others have had success with?
My OS (10.11.1) runs on the internal 500 GB SSD. I use the 1 GB internal HDD as my Time Machine backup drive. When I ran my late 2006 20" iMac, I used a USB 2.0 ext. HDD for my Carbon Copy Cloner bootable back ups. Now with my Mini and USB 3.0 ext. HDD, my bootable clones are not, well, bootable.
My OS (10.11.1) runs on the internal 500 GB SSD. I use the 1 GB internal HDD as my Time Machine backup drive. When I ran my late 2006 20" iMac, I used a USB 2.0 ext. HDD for my Carbon Copy Cloner bootable back ups. Now with my Mini and USB 3.0 ext. HDD, my bootable clones are not, well, bootable.