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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 6, 2011
When dictating using Siri in English, Siri can understand common punctuations and formatting by simply saying aloud the said functions (like "comma", "new paragraph").

I can't figure how to do this when dictating in non-English using Siri.

An example is Chinese. Is there a list on the Apple website or elsewhere that lists these special vocabularies in non-English languages?
If you are dictating in a supported language, such as mandarin, you would just say the punctuation in that language.
Some mandarin punctuations here.
It should be exactly the same in all languages. You would just need to know how to say things like "period," or "comma." would just say the punctuation in that language...

Exactly this.

When I dictate to Siri in spanish, I just say "punto", "coma", "signo de interrogación", "punto y aparte", or any other punctuation sign I want to use. There are some caveats, though; for example, in spanish we use different question marks at the beginning and at the end of sentences, Siri only recognize the ending question mark.
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