SOLUTION: your file system has to be NTFS, say you want to do it on a USB drive...
1.- if it isn't NTFS, format so it is
2.- create a folder
3.- put the files you want to be read but not copied in the folder
4.- create chortcut of all the files inside the folder, and put these in the root directory or wherever you want them to be inside the USB.
5.- edit the folder's permitions where you have the original files
---- deny: show folder's content
---- deny: write
6.- apply these changes to "everyone"
*now you can read the files using the shortcuts, but not copy, if you copy you will only have an empty shortcut
*the folder will not show its content
*the folder cannot be modified (not even the permitions, only if it is done be the admin)
*the folder cannot be deleted
*the folder cannot be copied
sorry for my writing and misspelling english isn't my native langage