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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 21, 2012
I had a clean install of build 14393.0 and wanted to update to 14393.222 via a cumulative update KB3194496

But this is a REALLY dangerous update to do via windows update. So when I became aware of this I hesitated to do the update the normal way. What I describe below is an offline method to update which is much safer to do. Often microsoft provide an easy way to do this for some updates, but sadly haven't done so for this one.

The first rule for any update is READ. Read as much as you can to ascertain any potential dangers lurking within such updates. If there are such problems the internet is probably awash with scathing comments.

And so it is with KB3194496. Just google it and you will be bombarded with complaints about it. And do this before trying to update.

Of all criticisms I think the most pertinent one is that this build was originally released to Windows Insiders and microsoft were warned in no uncertain terms that it is BAD…….REALLY BAD!!! Nevertheless microsoft in their infinite wisdom released exactly the same build to the public. Understandably the internet exploded and went nuclear against microsoft. WHY? WHY MICROSOFT? WHY?

Despite the disasters associated with this update what is not well known is that there is actually a safe way to install this update.

First it is advisable to completely disable windows update, actually. You can turn it back on later if you want to.

To do this, just open services by searching for services.msc in Cortana/Search box and open it. Find Windows Update in the services list. Double click Windows Update services. In the Windows Update Properties Window, click stop and select ‘Disabled’ in the Startup type list box. Click Apply and OK.

Now we do the update offline. And it is this aspect which is making it a much safer way to update. It is not so much the update itself which is dangerous, but rather the way windows update interacts with it that had resulted in so many disasters. We are actually totally circumventing windows update here thus averting such disasters.

Download the .cab file for KB3194496 depending if you have 64 bit or 32 bit:

64 bit:

32 bit:

Move it to C:\update

Search for cmd in Cortana/Search box, right click and run as administrator.

Now copy this into the command line in cmd:

For 64 bit:

dism /online /add-package /packagepath:"C:\update\"

For 32 bit:

dism /online /add-package /packagepath:"C:\update\"

Because this particular cab file is so large (compared to many other cab files) it is going to take quite a while to run. It may even seem to have stalled. It hasn’t. Just be patient and wait. You will eventually be prompted to restart.

Restart and the update will install normally. And with no disasters caused by windows update.

You may check the build number has been increased to 14393.222 by using the “winver” tool to find the build number of your Windows 10 system. To launch it, you can tap the Windows key, type “winver” into the Start menu, and press Enter. You could also press Windows Key + R, type “winver” into the Run dialog, and press Enter.

And if you are really brave, you may then re-enable windows updates in services.msc and check for more updates the normal way.
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You can also downgrade to a lower build if you want to using an iso and msu files. There is still no msu for build 14393.222 though.

Microsoft make these still available for download for those who really know what they are doing (and I hope you do after reading this thread).

You can retrieve your product key with magical jelly bean keyfinder at , then download the full installer iso file for build 14393.0 at and do a clean install of 14393.0 (which asks for the product key - hence why you need to find it first)

and then use the msu files to install any of these builds released prior to 14393.222:

14393.10 (KB3176929):

64 bit:

32 bit:

14393.51 (KB3176495):

64 bit:

32 bit:

14393.82 (KB3176934):

64 bit:

32 bit:

14393.105 (KB3176938):

64 bit:

32 bit:

14393.187 (kb3189866):

64 bit:

32 bit:
You can retrieve your product key with magical jelly bean keyfinder at , then download the full installer iso file for build 14393.0 at and do a clean install of 14393.0 (which asks for the product key - hence why you need to find it first)
You don't need a key to re-install Windows 10 if it has previously been installed as it will activate using the hardware ID stored on MS servers. Just click "I don't have a key" when prompted.

If you have upgraded from an earlier version of Windows you'll only retrieve the generic Windows 10 key anyway.

I didn't have any problems on any of my systems with KB3194496 in bootcamp (although some have for sure). MS have released a script to get around installation issues with this upgrade

There is also a new cumulative update KB3197356 released today which (allegedly) fixes the update freezing problems.
You don't need a key to re-install Windows 10 if it has previously been installed as it will activate using the hardware ID stored on MS servers. Just click "I don't have a key" when prompted.

If you have upgraded from an earlier version of Windows you'll only retrieve the generic Windows 10 key anyway.

I didn't have any problems on any of my systems with KB3194496 in bootcamp (although some have for sure). MS have released a script to get around installation issues with this upgrade

There is also a new cumulative update KB3197356 released today which (allegedly) fixes the update freezing problems.

Thanks for that. And to add more info to this, microsoft have now released msu files for this new build (14393.223)

64 bit:

32 bit:

These are much easier to run than cab files. Just double click them and they should install.

And this one only increases the build number a tiny bit from the last one 14393.222 to 14393.223. It can also increase the build from any of the previous builds from 14393.0 onwards to 14393.223.

This is unusual. Basically an admission by microsoft that they stuffed up with 14393.222 (although they don't say this).

Anyway, I'll run windows update the normal way to see if 14393.222 updates to 14393.223 without any disasters. I will do so without running the script you linked to - because despite it being publicly available it actually was released to windows insiders (it is called "Windows 10 1607 Script fix to unblock update for Windows Insiders"). My first post in this thread basically circumvents the block anyway.

I was going to say before that the lazy way to avert these disasters would be that you could just skip 14393.222 and wait for the next one instead (which now turns out to be 14393.223). But the reason I didn't post that is that microsoft are forcing the update downloads and not giving an obvious way for a choice to disable it. So many people may have basically been forced into an update disaster by microsoft. As is clear from my first post, there IS a way to disable it. And maybe we should exploit this and disable microsoft update in services.msc by default and only re-enable it when WE want to update it (after we have read all the bad news on the update on the net) - not when microsoft want us to.

I always knew that this thread would have a very temporary relevance - but many people have ended up with unusable computers as a result of the disasters. Hence I don't regret posting it. Microsoft were silent on the issue and did not provide anywhere as clear a way to safely update to 14393.222 as in this thread. When OS vendors fail to communicate their failures and workarounds, we must take over and fill the gaps - whether it be apple - or microsoft.

And despite the relative short life of this thread there are certain permanent lessons to be learned here. Basically it is about taking back control of our computers. They don't belong to apple or microsoft. THEY BELONG TO US!
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And despite the relative short life of this thread there are certain permanent lessons to be learned here. Basically it is about taking back control of our computers. They don't belong to apple or microsoft. THEY BELONG TO US!
I think you may have the wrong forum.

The idea here is to discuss running non apple operating sytems (Linux, Windows etc) on Apple hardware.
The idea here is to discuss running non apple operating sytems (Linux, Windows etc) on Apple hardware.

I know that.

Anyway I think the thread might not be quite dead yet. KB3197356 doesn't show up in microsoft updates and so one needs to run the msu file I linked to in order to update the system to build 14393.223.
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