With unix/Linux there's the "curl" command that can grab files from web URL's. This is easy on a Mac using the unix command line in Terminal. But, of course, you're on an iPad! A quick search found this which may do what you want, but not clear if it lets you save the output. Worth looking at maybe?
HTTP Web Server Response Diagnostic Tool - cURL UI for MacOS iCurlHTTP is a simple, easy to use app that allows you to run MacOS/Linux terminal-like cURL tests against URLs. It can simulate different web browsers (user-agents) to retrieve the raw HTTP headers and HTML response from web servers.…
But there's another approach that worked for me. The ish app gives you a Linux-like environment on iOS and iPadOS.
A Linux-like shell on iOS. You can edit files with sed and cat, move them around, and more! https://github.com/ish-app/ish/
I have it on my phone but have only played around with it a bit. Should work the same on the iPad though. Using ish, I installed the curl package:
apk add curl
First time I tried, it failed and wanted permission to access my local network. After granting that, it worked on the second try. You would use a command such as this to display a page (obviously a made-up example)
curl https://somewebsite/homepage.html
But that will just display the page source as text and not save it. To save it on your iPad, direct the output to a file like this
curl https://somewebsite/homepage.html > webpage.txt
Again, just made up a filename. I chose to use the .txt extension because I thought using .html might make it open in a browser? But you could certainly use .html instead. In terms of unix/Linux files, you don't need any extension at all actually. Since you're using a shell, it would be possible to script the download of multiple pages if you like.
The files are saved in your ish directory. What I'm not sure of is how you would access it with other apps after saving. Pretty sure that's possible, but will leave it to you or someone else more familiar with ish to figure that out.
Having said all this, it also depends on what kind of webpages you want to save. Simply saving the page source may not be enough.