Means, that software on a PC is for a PC, not a Mac.
Second, you asked for sharing the Wifi from wifi from your Mac, you did not mention an ethernet Cable.
Wifi to Wifi is possible with another non Airport USB dongle, as I said in a former post.
Sharing internet if your Mac is connected with an ethernet Cable is easy(Sharing Preference Pane).
If you buy yourself a USB Dongle which does not use Apple's built in Airport software it is easy and won't be that expensive and for you right now the easiest way.
Now, I shared my Internet from my wifi (built in Airport) to my Airport Express in the sharing Preference Pane, the Airport Express is connected through an ethernet Cable, I then accessed the wifi on the Airport Express with my iPhone and had no problems to do so.
This can be set up easily with Apple's built in Software and works, but it needs to be connected with an ethernet Cable or with another non Airport based USB dongle.