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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 28, 2009

Hello all,
I rely on a program called SoundOn! to stop the popping sound on my Macbook aluminium while using external speakers. But, I seem to have done something (slash OS X seems to have done something) which means that the application now opens in Script Editor rather than a standalone application. When I go to the Get Info window in Finder to change the default application I cannot simply set it as an application and get a choice between TextEdit, Automator and Script Editor. I don't want any of these. How do I go about resetting this so it will work?
Also, maybe if anyone has a Cocoa application for the same purpose of keep-alive for the sound card I'd be really greatful, as this application was made for 10.0.0-10.2.x and hasn't been updated since 2003.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 28, 2009
Hi again,
I didn't get this solved, and it's been bugging my all day so I did some searching and found a more elegant solution so I don't have to run the program under Rosseta anymore. The program is available at:

Only a 12kb installer and runs in universal binary.
Stops the random popping sound that happens when using external speakers on a Macbook/Pro.

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