I almost always turn it off completely before I go to sleep.
Ah. So, that's big reason for the impressive battery health.
Oh well, maybe I should be more careful with the battery with my next iphone, my launch day X is at 81% battery health, but I literally never cared about charging it when it was around 20%, so I regularly go all the way down to 1% (I assume this must be a horror to some of the people here 😂). Well, here's to getting a new phone after three years this autumn.
That's fine. There is still not adequate dissemination of battery care tips, and I find most of my friends don't know much about caring for batteries.
We can all learn from your experience. At what point did you notice that battery backup was obviously lesser? When the health was at 90%? 85%?
How often did you have to charge the phone in a day when you bought it new, and what is the figure now?
Anyways, I was also never left with a dead phone, as I cared about having enough juice to get me through the needed time, so the battery health has never been an issue so far. However, if I want to be more careful now, what's the best strategy to charge it? Not letting it go under 20% and charge whenever possible?
Practice top-up charging. 50-80% is ideal. Most people baulk at the very idea, but once you get used to it, you will likely prefer it. All it needs is quick 25 mins charges every now and then.
Never leave the phone in a car under a hot Sun, or near a hot flame.
Charge it on flight mode and avoid using it while charging. Try to have some air circulation around the phone.
Avoid charging up to 100%. If you do, then don't let the phone sit there overnight. Keep the "optimised battery charging" option enabled in the battery settings.
My X is at 76% health and I really haven’t noticed anything. It’s at 1300 cycles and yeah, the battery doesn’t last as long anymore, but I’m always near a charger so that isn’t an issue for me. Performance has definitely not been hit and I’ve not had any unexpected shutdowns... yet.
That's impressive! How old is your phone?
Do you use it everyday? Is it off/flight mode overnight?
Can you give a more precise idea--how many times did you charge when it was new, and what is the figure now?
What charging pattern do you adopt?
And another thing to remember— the Lightning port will not last forever. The more times you plug & unplug the cable into the port, the faster it will wear out.
Replacing (via a repair) a lightning port is prohibitively expensive (not worth it) so when the port goes, the phone becomes a pain to charge. One little movement of the cable while charging and the charging stops. You basically can't use the phone while it's charging. It has to remain perfectly still.
There are two spring tabs inside the port on each side to lock the plug into the socket. They can break (one of mine has) and when one of those spring tabs breaks, the plug isn't held secure in the socket and the connection will fail.
People say that the Lightning port never wears out-- but that's not true. Mine has a broken tab (from thousands of plug insertions) and charging it now while using it always causes problems.
So trying to preserve a battery by charging it between 40% and 80% will more than double the plug insertions which will accelerate the port wear which ultimately will be self defeating.
The battery might still be usable after four years, but the irreplaceable Lightning port will not
Interesting-this is new for me.
Obviously, replacing the charging port will be much more expensive than getting a new battery.
So, how old is your phone? And how many times a day did you charge it?
Do you by any chance have any statistics on how often this lightning port breaks?