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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 21, 2012
To have been manipulated by apple into believing this Macbook is worth the price tag.

This coming from an an apple fanboy himself. You should all return them while you still can.

It's simplicity is awesome, and I really do believe going wireless is where we will eventually be. But what your getting, especially processor wise, is way under par for the price tag.

For the same price you can get a MBP 13" Retina...but wait, is that too heavy?

The issue is people just need an excuse to spend money, even if that means jumping onto the "it's never thin or light enough" bandwagon.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 13, 2015
To have been manipulated by apple into believing this Macbook is worth the price tag.

This coming from an an apple fanboy himself. You should all return them while you still can.

It's simplicity is awesome, and I really to believe going wireless is where we will eventually be. But what your getting, especially processor wise, is way under par for the price tag.

For the same price you can get a MBP 13" Retina...but wait, is that too heavy?

The issue is people just need an excuse to spend money, even if that means jumping onto the "it's never thin or light enough" bandwagon.

If my task was to cut a piece of paper in half - I would pay more for a sleek light pair of scissors than pay less for a chainsaw.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 21, 2012
If my task was to cut a piece of paper in half - I would pay more for a sleek light pair of scissors than pay less for a chainsaw.

It serves no utility other than the web browsing and word's an iPad with an OS....that you can't actually utilize.

Here, let me give you this OS but you can't do anything with it because it's shackled by its processor.

Put it this way, it's closer to a $1300 iPad than a $1300 laptop.


macrumors 6502
Apr 13, 2015
Hows it feel?

It serves no utility other than the web browsing and word's an iPad with an OS....that you can't actually utilize.

Here, let me give you this OS but you can't do anything with it because it's shackled by its processor.

Put it this way, it's closer to a $1300 iPad than a $1300 laptop.

Even if I agreed that it is overpriced that does not equate to useless. I don't think I personally have many other needs from a laptop other than the ones you have mentioned, it would be nice to do them in a nice light package. You can call it an overpriced IPad or you can call it Bob for all I care; it is what I need.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 29, 2015
It serves no utility other than the web browsing and word's an iPad with an OS....that you can't actually utilize.

Here, let me give you this OS but you can't do anything with it because it's shackled by its processor.

Put it this way, it's closer to a $1300 iPad than a $1300 laptop.

You have no clue what you are talking about. I have edited and exported 1080p video on this without a hitch, others have edited and exported 4k video jus fine. I have edited full sized JPEG and RAW files on my MacBook in CS6 without a hitch, as have others. Others have been able to edit just fine in FCP and LPX without a hitch. I could go on but the bottom line is plenty of us have been able to do much more than web browsing and word processing on our new MacBooks. You are clueless.


macrumors member
Jul 20, 2010
To have been manipulated by apple into believing this Macbook is worth the price tag.

This coming from an an apple fanboy himself. You should all return them while you still can.

It's simplicity is awesome, and I really do believe going wireless is where we will eventually be. But what your getting, especially processor wise, is way under par for the price tag.

For the same price you can get a MBP 13" Retina...but wait, is that too heavy?

The issue is people just need an excuse to spend money, even if that means jumping onto the "it's never thin or light enough" bandwagon.

Now lets see how fast this gets deleted, and I get reprimanded for exercising free speech.

Can you back any of this up? Specific examples?

You're the one telling people what they should or shouldn't want or value, and yet you're worried people are going to infringe on your right to exercise free speech...hypocritical much?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 21, 2012
Even if I agreed that is overpriced that does not equate to useless. I don't think I personally have many other needs from a laptop other than the ones you have mentioned, it would be nice to do them in a nice light package. You can call it an overpriced IPad or you can call it Bob for all I care; it is what I need.

is the rMBP that far in contrast from the rMB as far as weight and dimensions?

No. It's just another cool Apple product people "need".

Anyone who is as efficient as they claim to be for buying the rMB would also realize how inefficient they are being with their own finances for buying it.

If Apple sold bottled water they would make a ****ing killing.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 11, 2013
San Diego, CA
It's simplicity is awesome, and I really do believe going wireless is where we will eventually be. But what your getting, especially processor wise, is way under par for the price tag.

For the same price you can get a MBP 13" Retina...but wait, is that too heavy?

The issue is people just need an excuse to spend money, even if that means jumping onto the "it's never thin or light enough" bandwagon.

rMB is a Prius. MBP is an SUV. I ride solo, so I don't need the space. I park in the city, so I don't want the extra size of an SUV. I don't go off roading so I don't need big tires. I don't haul anything so I don't need the horsepower.

Do you still think I should buy an SUV even though it's the same price as the Prius?

Anyone who is as efficient as they claim to be for buying the rMB would also realize how inefficient they are being with their own finances for buying it.

Also, I appreciate your concern for my finances, but I'm doing just fine.


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
It serves no utility other than the web browsing and word's an iPad with an OS....that you can't actually utilize.

Here, let me give you this OS but you can't do anything with it because it's shackled by its processor.

Put it this way, it's closer to a $1300 iPad than a $1300 laptop.

Are you posting from under a bridge? ;) Here's a news flash for you: a laptop that can manipulate Word, Excel and Powerpoint files, browse the web, run remote access and do a few other things like that is all that a lot of people need. Make it half to 2/3 of the weight of alternatives and give it a fabulous hi res display and you have a winner.


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
rMB is a Prius. MBP is an SUV. I ride solo, so I don't need the space. I park in the city, so I don't want the extra size of an SUV. I don't go off roading so I don't need big tires. I don't haul anything so I don't need the horsepower.

Do you still think I should buy an SUV even though it's the same price as the Prius?

Also, I appreciate your concern for my finances, but I'm doing just fine.

Hey, you forgot the MBA. I guess that would be a 1996 Olds Ciera...


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 21, 2012
See I'm sure you all think I'm a pretty horrible person right now, but the fact is I'm simply following the categorical imperative.

If I was to sit here and lie to you all so you could all hear what you wanted I would actually be the bad person.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 19, 2009
Orlando, FL
It serves no utility other than the web browsing and word's an iPad with an OS....that you can't actually utilize.

You know not of which you speak. I am a web designer that uses Photoshop for hours at a time. Today, I have been using the MacBook Retina exclusively. It has worked just fine, aside from a little slower saving of files. While I will use my 15" MBPr in lieu of the MBr most days, this is plenty sufficient for those who program, and design websites in Photoshop. Designing massive print media may choke this up, though. But, just like people were wrong when they said the MacBook Air couldn't replace a MBP for many tasks, people are wrong when they said the MBr can't replace a MBP/MBPr for many, many tasks.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 21, 2012
You know not of which you speak. I am a web designer that uses Photoshop for hours at a time. Today, I have been using the MacBook Retina exclusively. It has worked just fine, aside from a little slower saving of files. While I will use my 15" MBPr in lieu of the MBr most days, this is plenty sufficient for those who program, and design websites in Photoshop. Designing massive print media may choke this up, though. But, just like people were wrong when they said the MacBook Air couldn't replace a MBP for many tasks, people are wrong when they said the MBr can't replace a MBP/MBPr for many, many tasks.

Is that why the rMB stutters and lags when scaling back to the desktop from launchpad?


macrumors 6502
Apr 13, 2015
To have been manipulated by apple into believing this Macbook is worth the price tag.

No clearly by my signature I can't.

Speaking of which, were you manipulated by Apple into buying your MBPr as opposed to buying a comparatively capable and cheaper non-Apple product? Or more likely you made a calculated decision based on your needs and personal criteria, the same way we are making one now.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 21, 2012
Speaking of which, were you manipulated by Apple into buying your MBPr as opposed to buying a comparatively capable non-Apple product? Or more likely you made a calculated decision based on your needs and personal criteria, the same way we are making one now.

actually i'm selling my rMBP because it is way more than i need.

yes...i just admitted that.

And christ 12"? Really? Who am I Tyrion Lannister?
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