Mhhh interesting results... I only got mine today so I couldnt observe it properly yet, though my 7+ constantly lastet up to 10 hours and it was soooo nice!
12 hours 46 min of usage and 32% left.
12 hours 46 min of usage and 32% left.
It’s been about 14 hours with my normal use and it’s at 38%. Only charging once a day (vs my iPhone 6 - theee charges a day)
I'd be interested to know what "normal" is for you? I play games and watch a lot of YouTube and it just eats through my 7+'s battery.
Probably not the same as you. On and off access email and social media apps. My battery says 11 hours of usage but it would not equate to YouTube!
22% left
6hr 24min usage
14hr standby
coming from an iPhone 6 that I had to replace the battery myself because it wouldn't last barley an hour...I love it.
Now imagine getting double that with a 8+
What on Earth makes you think that the 8+ has double the battery life of the X?