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macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
Your iOS knowledge is dated. I can buy an app in iTunes and whe I pick up any of my devices it will be there. No syncing. I can buy an app on my iPhone and it ison my iPad. I can buy an app on my iPad it is on m iPhone. No wires. No syncing. iTunes is only required if I want to buy the App on my desktop.

This is not an iOS5 feature. It started about 6 weeks ago when cloud was announced.

On a largely unrelated note, the kindle has supported precisely what the android market does since the day it was released.
Your claim sounds a bit like one of the absurd in a web browser patents.

Ok - so 6 weeks is awhile. I'm glad we got THAT straightened out.

Any idea how long Android has been doing OTA?


macrumors 65816
Jul 18, 2002
Houston, TX
Revisionist history at its best. You should remember that the iPhone was not a smartphone at all during its introduction. It only became so because iPhone users and buyers wanted more "smarts" out of their phones, just like the Palm, Windows Mobile, Symbian and Blackberry users had been getting for years prior.

The smartphone is not an Apple invention. It wasn't even Apple's intention with the iPhone, they caved to public pressure to release an SDK, an App Store and make the iPhone a smartphone so it could compete with the other smartphones.

And now, it's not even the most popular smartphone platform. While its a good one, iOS 4 is quite showing its age and iOS 5 resorts to copying other innovators for features instead of coming up with fresh ones.

Apple are now trying to catch up again, like they were doing in 2007.

What are you talking about? You say it wasn't originally a smart phone because it didn't have an app store? In that case, blackberry was never a smart phone originally because it did not allow installation of apps. But wait i am pretty sure EVERYONE called a blackberry a smartphone... Once again, just because you don't think one way doesn't mean everyone else should think you're way.

If 90% of people thing of something one way, then it is the right way for all intents and purposes. The other 10%, including you, are wrong. That's the way it is.


macrumors Pentium
Aug 1, 2004
St. Louis, MO
Ok - so 6 weeks is awhile. I'm glad we got THAT straightened out.

Any idea how long Android has been doing OTA?

OTA apps from the web browser rolled out with Froyo I believe, so sometime last year?

OTA OS updates have been there from the start.


macrumors 68010
Feb 28, 2011
From what I hear Apple is happy to license from others, rather than going around crying about it. It's a shame SOME companies can't bring themselves to do the same.

And then claiming it was all their work to start with and start labeling others as copiers only. It's a shame other companies don't stoop so low.


macrumors Pentium
Jan 28, 2009
Quebec, Canada
Your iOS knowledge is dated. I can buy an app in iTunes and whe I pick up any of my devices it will be there. No syncing. I can buy an app on my iPhone and it ison my iPad. I can buy an app on my iPad it is on m iPhone. No wires. No syncing. iTunes is only required if I want to buy the App on my desktop.

This is not an iOS5 feature. It started about 6 weeks ago when cloud was announced.

Even so (I admit I don't buy apps often anymore, if ever), it's still not as convenient as Android's web solution. It still either requires you be on the device, or a device registered the same account or have a computer with iTunes and be signed in to your account.

Android Market requires a web browser. Any old web browser will do.

On a largely unrelated note, the kindle has supported precisely what the android market does since the day it was released.
Your claim sounds a bit like one of the absurd in a web browser patents.

What claim ? Kindle doesn't have apps for one, and for the other, I made no claim other than this was better than what Apple had or even has right now. It's more convenient.

But keep spinning.


macrumors 68000
Jan 23, 2006
Where I live
At the end of the day, people only buy non Apple products coz they can't afford the real thing. Anyone who says otherwise is just deluding themselves, this is not fanboyism, it's just a fact.

Not entirely true, in my company there are a few Android fan. They can sure afford iPhones, they just prefer Android. Just like some nerds prefer Linux.

But I guess they might be a minority.


macrumors 68020
May 6, 2010
The United States
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5)

samcraig said:
Your iOS knowledge is dated. I can buy an app in iTunes and whe I pick up any of my devices it will be there. No syncing. I can buy an app on my iPhone and it ison my iPad. I can buy an app on my iPad it is on m iPhone. No wires. No syncing. iTunes is only required if I want to buy the App on my desktop.

This is not an iOS5 feature. It started about 6 weeks ago when cloud was announced.

On a largely unrelated note, the kindle has supported precisely what the android market does since the day it was released.
Your claim sounds a bit like one of the absurd in a web browser patents.

Ok - so 6 weeks is awhile. I'm glad we got THAT straightened out.

Any idea how long Android has been doing OTA?

Forever. Duh. :rolleyes:


macrumors Pentium
Jan 28, 2009
Quebec, Canada
What are you talking about? You say it wasn't originally a smart phone because it didn't have an app store?

Nope, I said it wasn't a smartphone for many reasons, including 1 of those being you couldn't write applications for it.

My Sony Ericsson T610 from 2002 had a SDK, a phone emulator and could run 3rd party J2ME and Symbian titles.


macrumors 68040
Sep 6, 2007
That's new in iOS 5, right? Android's had this for quite some time. Another innovative feature from Apple.

We're so proud of you. You know many of these features have also been on iOS for jail break people.

Can't you just use what you like and not put down the others? I use iOS because I love it. Does what I need and I love everything that goes with being an Apple customers. Which is way more than just a few flashy features in the OS. But I don't think Android is bad.... I do think it's a great option... but not an option I want to take.

I think you need to validate yourself or something and it's why it's so important to you (or anyone here) to feel the need to make comparisons and claims. There are always pros and cons to both side.

This whole thread is just getting pathetic. Why does every thread need to turn into a bunch of spew???? I guess when people got nothing valuable to contribute they revert to spewing junk?

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
HTC is fishing. The first one is extremely limited in scope and I doubt it applies to anything Apple makes. It is ironic since Apple invented the PDA, and I believe they had wireless modems years before this was filed.

I believe HTC believes this is a patent on the smartphone. I think you could make a case that it does not apply to any smartphone made today.

No, for the ump-tenth time Apple didn't invent the PDA . . . or should I say the actual type of device known as the PDA.

We're so proud of you. You know many of these features have also been on iOS for jail break people.

True, but those same features were offered for those that jailbroke because they were in many other handsets for years. Not having OTA updates and syncing of even small kb in size files was tragic on a device as awesome as the first iPhone.


macrumors 65816
Jul 18, 2002
Houston, TX
By your logic, Macrumors should have the following tabs :

- iPhone rumors
- Adobe news
- Android news
- Mac device spottings
- Mac device announcements
- Mac device reviews
- iOS device spottings/parts
- iOS device announcements
- iOS device reviews
- Steve Jobs' health
- Steve Jobs related news.
- Apple financial news
- Apple lawsuit news
- iCloud and or Cloud related stuff (something I would gladly ignore)
- iTunes news
- Music Industry news

The tab list would be endless. Front Page, Mac Blog and iOS blog are good enough. Not everything is going to interest everyone and ignoring the stories that don't interest you is a perfectly acceptable solution. The multitude of tabs for every category imaginable is clearly not.

Hum, are you comparing news headlines to organizing data ? I like all my useful data organized. Headlines I can skim over.

What is this iCloud thing you're talking about ?

He should ? That's what Apple does after all when they do come up with something new and innovative. :rolleyes:

And then they cry when it gets copied.

As I said, if 90% of people want it that way, which is what is happening with the patent stories, then yes it makes sense to put a tab for it. It is all about demand. Unfortunately your opinion isn't in high demand, and the other tabs you mentioned haven't had a demand so there would be no point in making them. You're way is not EVERYONE'S way.


macrumors 68010
Feb 28, 2011
As I said, if 90% of people want it that way, which is what is happening with the patent stories, then yes it makes sense to put a tab for it. It is all about demand. Unfortunately your opinion isn't in high demand, and the other tabs you mentioned haven't had a demand so there would be no point in making them. You're way is not EVERYONE'S way.

Clearly you are speaking on behalf of 90% of forum readers.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 23, 2010
i laugh at all of these comments. WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH??

Companies sue each other ALL THE TIME. It's business, hardly newsworthy. You guys act as if apple is plotting against humanity. geez.


macrumors 65816
Jul 18, 2002
Houston, TX
Nope, I said it wasn't a smartphone for many reasons, including 1 of those being you couldn't write applications for it.

My Sony Ericsson T610 from 2002 had a SDK, a phone emulator and could run 3rd party J2ME and Symbian titles.

A smartphone doesn't have any certain things that make it a smartphone. It's a name thrown out for sales. There are flip phone smart phones even. Really all a smart phone is is a phone that does more then what a normal phone does. Back in 1998 there really wasn't much you could do with phones other than change the nokia color casings so once phones started to be able to do more things, they branded them as smart phones. So yes, when the iPhone was released it was a smart phone. Just because you didn't think that it was doesn't mean it wasn't.


macrumors 65816
Sep 4, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8J2 Safari/6533.18.5)

Question: why are you here besides to troll? I never said it was innovative, and I honestly don't care if Android had it first. If you really think it's THAT important to scream "I'm #1!", then woop-de-doo. :rolleyes:

Then why do you care when Android gets something that iOS had first?

OR buy it on my iPhone and it will be installed on my iPad when I get home. I cloud for apps has been working for a while, including automatic downloads.

Great! But shouldn't we discuss who innovates and who copies, as usual, and who had this kind of feature first?


macrumors 68010
Feb 28, 2011
ok maybe 90% was a thrown out number, BUT when the first couple of posts are specifically about not wanting to read the patent posts then yes there is a demand for it.

The first couple posters are a more deciding factor than the rest?
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