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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Oct 2, 2012
Huawei is clearly copying the iPhone X. Is this even allowed?

No idea why Apple always goes after Samsung while Samsung phones are totally different.
No idea why Apple always goes after Samsung while Samsung phones are totally different.

Can you explain how Apple “Always goes after Samsung”? It’s usually Samsung’s marketing that targets Apple. (I.E Notch commercial and removal of 3.5 Jack comment during Samsung’s Keynote).
Huawei is clearly copying the iPhone X. Is this even allowed?

Who cares? Has zero effect on iPhone customers.

As for how they copy without being sued... they appear to be protected from lawsuits in China by the Chinese government. This is why you’ll sometimes see Huawei only sell certain phones in particular countries which they know they won’t get sued.
Huawei is clearly copying the iPhone X. Is this even allowed?

No idea why Apple always goes after Samsung while Samsung phones are totally different.

Because Huawei isn't as popular as samsung. Apple only goes after samsung because they are a threat.
1. They’re not big enough to challenge Apple on a global scale. Samsung is.

2. Copying the look of a phone is not illegal in China.

3. That also probably expands to software copying. I’m not too sure about this though.
Huawei is the number 3 globally. In some quarters in the last two years, their market share in shipped units was very close to Apple's.

Shipped units doesn’t matter much to Apple really. Most of their devices are dirt cheap. Profit is not going anywhere close.

In fact it’s really difficult to make good money being a hardware manufacturer in China.
Because Huawei isn't as popular as samsung. Apple only goes after samsung because they are a threat.

Huawei phones are not even available United States, so they are not a threat to either Apple or Samsung at the moment. But if their phones were available, the biggest competition woud be Samsung, because it’s an android operating platform.
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Huawei's new wireless earbuds also remind me of another product, but I just can't think which...

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Assuming you pulled that pic from The Verge’s write up here,

Really disappointed in that piece. Writer admitted that the product was blatant copyright infringement but also admitted he didn’t care. So much for ethics.
Yeah, had just read the article.

I suppose from an average consumer's point of view, it is helpful to see thoughts of alternative products one can buy, and leave the legal ramifications to the lawyers. That might be a bigger part of the author's job than pushing for universal change in Chinese patent law. I understand where you're coming from, though.

My biggest problem with the article is that the author couldn't test the sound quality.
What annoys me most about this company is how to pronounce it’s name.

I’ve heard Youtubers pronounce it ‘Wah wee’, but I naturally want to pronounce it ‘Who way” lol.

At least Apple picked one of the first basic words you learned to read
My biggest problem with the article is that the author couldn't test the sound quality.
Kinda like trying a new restaurant, but you aren’t allowed to eat the food, no?
Mobile phone space is different? Hauwei and Samsung phones could be loss leaders, those companies would not care. Apple would.
I’m not sure Apple does though. They’ve insisted in higher margins for years seemingly uninterested in competing at the low end.
What annoys me most about this company is how to pronounce it’s name.

I’ve heard Youtubers pronounce it ‘Wah wee’, but I naturally want to pronounce it ‘Who way” lol.

At least Apple picked one of the first basic words you learned to read
It’s /hwha-hwhey/ no?
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Amazon’s profit margins were paper thin for ages. Does that mean they were relevant or competition?

Amazon’s business model is actually pretty unorthodox. They don’t want to save. They want to make profit and invest it again. I’m pretty intrigued by it actually.
What annoys me most about this company is how to pronounce it’s name.

I’ve heard Youtubers pronounce it ‘Wah wee’, but I naturally want to pronounce it ‘Who way” lol.

At least Apple picked one of the first basic words you learned to read

Why would a Chinese company be obligated to name itself using an English word? Regardless, I'm not picking up any Chinese made smartphones anytime soon. The cyberwars are just getting started.
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Yea, its pretty pathetic in my eyes, but that's the Android world for ya. Apple only went after Samsung years ago when their designs were blatant knock offs. Today, they have shifted a bit.
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