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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 6, 2012
At first; sorry for my bad English, i'm from the Netherlands :D

I have a problem with my iMac 5K and applecare doesn't know how to fix, so i thought you guys may know the answer

I have a 5K iMac since 1,5 month and it connects/disconnects with ALL my iPads ( 2x iPad mini, iPad 3 + iPad air) But my iphone 5 and 6 are connecting FINE.

When i put the USB lightning ( or 30 pin cable with my iPad 3) directly in the USB port ( no hub) the iPad charging icon begins to flicker/blink and connects/disconnects rapidly so i can't sync my device in iTunes. I also have a macbook and an 2010 iMac and the iPads work fine with these 2 computers, the problem only occurs with my iMac 5K

When i plug them in my new iMac 5K it keeps bleeping like a maniac and connecting/disconnecting and i get a warning that i should reset all my permissions. I did what many said in other topics and reset the permissions and even did clean installs on ALL my iPads, but that didn't work. ( also PRAM reset on my 5K) Also it's not the cable because all my devices work on my older macbook/iMac. Also the iPad 3 and mini/air have different cables ( lightning vs 30 pin) and i tried 3 different cables

I think it is the USB port on the computer that doesn't work properly ( i tried ALL USB ports in my new imac without a succes) And it only occurs with my iPads who need more power then my 2 iphones. I think it's the computer

So to be clear:

- it's not the lightning/USB cable ( i tried 3, and they all had the same problem, and the devices work FINE with my old macbook and iMac)
- i clean installed ALL my iPads from scratch.
- i connect the devices directly in my iMac 5K, and don't use an USB hub.

The problem is discussed in more topics, but never had a clear outcome


YouTube clip from someone who is experiencing the same issue:

Other treads discussing this issue:

Anyone else have the same problem? Please let me know :)
Last edited:
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At first; sorry for my bad English, i'm from the Netherlands :D

I have a problem with my iMac 5K and applecare doesn't know how to fix, so i thought you guys may know the answer

I have a 5K iMac since 1,5 month and it connects/disconnects with ALL my iPads ( 2x iPad mini, iPad 3 + iPad air) But my iphone 5 and 6 are connecting FINE.

When i put the USB lightning ( or 30 pin cable with my iPad 3) directly in the USB port ( no hub) the iPad charging icon begins to flicker/blink and connects/disconnects rapidly so i can't sync my device in iTunes. I also have a macbook and an 2010 iMac and the iPads work fine with these 2 computers, the problem only occurs with my iMac 5K

When i plug them in my new iMac 5K it keeps bleeping like a maniac and connecting/disconnecting and i get a warning that i should reset all my permissions. I did what many said in other topics and reset the permissions and even did clean installs on ALL my iPads, but that didn't work. ( also PRAM reset on my 5K) Also it's not the cable because all my devices work on my older macbook/iMac. Also the iPad 3 and mini/air have different cables ( lightning vs 30 pin) and i tried 3 different cables

I think it is the USB port on the computer that doesn't work properly ( i tried ALL USB ports in my new imac without a succes) And it only occurs with my iPads who need more power then my 2 iphones. I think it's the computer

So to be clear:

- it's not the lightning/USB cable ( i tried 3, and they all had the same problem, and the devices work FINE with my old macbook and iMac)
- i clean installed ALL my iPads from scratch.
- i connect the devices directly in my iMac 5K, and don't use an USB hub.

The problem is discussed in more topics, but never had a clear outcome


YouTube clip from someone who is experiencing the same issue:

Other treads discussing this issue:

Anyone else have the same problem? Please let me know :)
I have. iMac 5K plus iPad Air 2 that does it on occasion (with the original cable that came with the iPad). Quitting iTunes, disconnecting the iPad plus cable and then hooking everything back up works. I'm guessing that iTunes might be an issue here.
No one with this similar issue?

The problem you describe is the same as plugging an iPad in to any charger that doesn't produce sufficient power to charge an iPad. The blinking, rapid disconnecting/reconnecting and no charge actually occurs. The USB ports are not supplying the power that they are supposed to, something is wrong with your machine's hardware and needs repaired. I would recommend you take the machine in for repair. If Apple can't repair your machine they will replace it.
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I have. iMac 5K plus iPad Air 2 that does it on occasion (with the original cable that came with the iPad). Quitting iTunes, disconnecting the iPad plus cable and then hooking everything back up works. I'm guessing that iTunes might be an issue here.

No it's not the itunes. On my old Macbook and iMac the same version of itunes is installed, and the problem doesn't occur on both machines, only my iMac 5K, it's not the software or power cable

The problem you describe is the same as plugging an iPad in to any charger that doesn't produce sufficient power to charge an iPad. The blinking, rapid disconnecting/reconnecting and no charge actually occurs. The USB ports are not supplying the power that they are supposed to, something is wrong with your machine's hardware and needs repaired. I would recommend you take the machine in for repair. If Apple can't repair your machine they will replace it.

I think you are quite right that this is a sufficient power charging problem because it rapidly connects/disconnects and is in the iMac's hardware. What i find quite strange is that my iphone 5 and 6 will connect but only my iPads ( iPad 3/mini/Air) won't connect and ''blinks/bleeps''. I know that they ask more power but still.. My external HDD that i use for time machine asks the same amount of power or even more and connects perfectly
I think you are quite right that this is a sufficient power charging problem because it rapidly connects/disconnects and is in the iMac's hardware. What i find quite strange is that my iphone 5 and 6 will connect but only my iPads ( iPad 3/mini/Air) won't connect and ''blinks/bleeps''. I know that they ask more power but still.. My external HDD that i use for time machine asks the same amount of power or even more and connects perfectly

There's nothing strange about it. Your machine is supplying sufficient power for the smaller iPhone devices and insufficient power for the larger iPad. The hard drive works because it's power draw decreases as the drive spins up to full speed. The iPad draw is continuous. You want get the machine fixed while it's still under warranty, otherwise a logic board swap could be quite costly.
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The Lightning cable is simply a USB2.0 cable and USB2.0 does not officially support higher currents than 500mA. The iPad requires about 2A (4x more) so the ports output some extra current (1600mA is what I'm seeing on my iMac thus 2.1A in total).

If you've read carefully then you'd have seen that there are 3 hardware components at play:
  • iPad
  • cable
  • iMac
Next we have software components:
  • OS X
  • iTunes
  • iOS
And finally we have the problem description and the YouTube video that both show something that has got nothing to do with power whatsoever. The issue is with connecting and disconnecting. If you look at the logs you'll find error messages from iTunes where it finds the iPad and then loses the connection. The YouTube video also shows this. When there isn't enough power provided to the iPad it simply stops charging, the connection with iTunes will NOT be lost. There also is no need for the right amount of power via USB, the iPad can be connected to a port that doesn't provide enough power. When connecting the device to such a port it will tell you the charge and then it will say that it is not charging in the top right.

The shown behaviour looks a lot like the behaviour USB2.0 devices show when being put on a USB3.0 port. In some cases it doesn't like the USB3.0 port and will start acting very strangely like connecting and disconnecting rapidly. Using a USB2.0 extension cable or hub between the device and the USB3.0 port is a good workaround. There are issues with USB3.0 ports not going into USB2.0 properly (simply put).

It seems that my iMac is suffering from this problem. I have another USB3.0 dock with integrated hub connected to the iMac. Any USB2.0 device connected to it will be put on a USB2.0 hub and any USB3.0 device will be put on the USB3.0 hub. When I connect my iPad directly into the iMac it will be put on the USB3.0 hub which is a bit odd since this is a USB2.0 device (the Lightning cable is USB2.0, it doesn't do USB3.0 unfortunately). When I connect it to the external USB3.0 dock/hub it will be put on the USB2.0 hub and function without any issues. Connecting a USB3.0 device to that same dock/hub whilst the iPad is connected to it will result in that USB3.0 device being connected to a USB3.0 hub. You can see this by opening System Profiler and going to "USB" in the list.

So yes there seems to be a problem with the USB ports of the iMac but it isn't power. Unfortunately it seems to be the known issue of USB2.0 devices on a USB3.0 port which is not something that seems to be fixable. The only option is to use a USB2.0 extension cable, USB2.0 hub or a USB3.0 hub that doesn't have this issue. You could bring in your iMac and see if Apple can fix it but I highly doubt it.
Thank you all so much for your many helpful responses!

I placed a USB 2.0 hub in my iMac 5K, but my iMac won't recognize any device :( It's a trust USB 2.0 hub with 4 ports but non of them work on my iMac

The problem still exist, i tried it al.. the SMC reset, reset permissions, disc permissions, delete the ipads and begin from scratch, but non outcome.

My system logs show this after the connect/disconnect happens:

22-09-15 18:54:00,103 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:38
22-09-15 18:54:00,103 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:00,103 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:00,103 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:00,103 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:00,104[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca02207bd0-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x26:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:00,104 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:00,104 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 38 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:00,104 usbmuxd[75]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x103904000): AMDeviceConnect failed: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:00,104 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceIsAtLeastVersionOnPlatform (thread 0x103904000): Failed to get device os version from d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:00,104 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDevicePreflightWorker (thread 0x103904000): Pair worker could not pair with device 38: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:00,951 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:39
22-09-15 18:54:00,958 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - unable to query device capabilities
22-09-15 18:54:02,214 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:39
22-09-15 18:54:02,214 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:39
22-09-15 18:54:02,214 iTunes[904]: tid:17203 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
22-09-15 18:54:02,216 ath[1454]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x7fff76a3c300): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:02,216 iTunes[904]: AMDevicePowerAssertionCreate (thread 0x116d27000): Could not receive message from power assertion service on device 39: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:02,216 ath[1454]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x7fff76a3c300): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:03,151 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:40
22-09-15 18:54:03,151 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:40
22-09-15 18:54:03,151 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:03,151 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:03,152 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:03,152 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:03,152[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca0230a4d0-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x28:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:03,153 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:03,153 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 40 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:03,153 usbmuxd[75]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x103904000): AMDeviceConnect failed: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:03,153 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceIsAtLeastVersionOnPlatform (thread 0x103904000): Failed to get device os version from d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:03,153 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDevicePreflightWorker (thread 0x103904000): Pair worker could not pair with device 40: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:03,740 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:41
22-09-15 18:54:03,740 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:41
22-09-15 18:54:03,740 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:03,740 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:03,742 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:03,742 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:03,743[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca02207c00-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x29:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:03,743 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:03,743 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 41 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:03,743 usbmuxd[75]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x103904000): AMDeviceConnect failed: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:03,743 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceIsAtLeastVersionOnPlatform (thread 0x103904000): Failed to get device os version from d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:03,743 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDevicePreflightWorker (thread 0x103904000): Pair worker could not pair with device 41: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:04,558 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:42
22-09-15 18:54:04,562 iTunes[904]: tid:17203 - unable to query device capabilities
22-09-15 18:54:04,780 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:42
22-09-15 18:54:04,780 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:42
22-09-15 18:54:04,780 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
22-09-15 18:54:04,780 iTunes[904]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x120b7d000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:04,781 iTunes[904]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x120b7d000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:05,331 mds[57]: (Volume.Error:930) sysctl_queryfs failed: No such file or directory
22-09-15 18:54:05,331 mds[57]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7faeee014e00 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /private/var/tmp/MP9WCDGI
22-09-15 18:54:05,362 mds[57]: (Volume.Error:930) sysctl_queryfs failed: No such file or directory
22-09-15 18:54:05,371 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:43
22-09-15 18:54:05,371 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:43
22-09-15 18:54:05,371 iTunes[904]: tid:17203 - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:05,371 iTunes[904]: tid:17203 - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:05,371 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:05,372 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:05,372[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca007011e0-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x2b:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:05,372 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:05,372 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 43 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:05,372 usbmuxd[75]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x103904000): AMDeviceConnect failed: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:05,372 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceIsAtLeastVersionOnPlatform (thread 0x103904000): Failed to get device os version from d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:05,372 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDevicePreflightWorker (thread 0x103904000): Pair worker could not pair with device 43: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:05,000 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Boot OS X on device disk0s3
22-09-15 18:54:05,561[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
22-09-15 18:54:05,564 mds[57]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7faeeb019000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Boot OS X
22-09-15 18:54:05,571[43]: not watching C8317FD1-CE14-333F-91F0-6796DAF505AC -> no volume lock to grant
22-09-15 18:54:05,611 fseventsd[44]: Logging disabled completely for device:1: /Volumes/Boot OS X
22-09-15 18:54:05,703 mdworker[1377]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
22-09-15 18:54:05,703 mdworker[1376]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
22-09-15 18:54:05,703 mdworker[1375]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
22-09-15 18:54:05,704 mdworker[1381]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
22-09-15 18:54:05,704 mdworker[1378]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
22-09-15 18:54:05,000 kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Boot OS X on device disk0s3
22-09-15 18:54:06,155 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:44
22-09-15 18:54:06,158 iTunes[904]: tid:1e003 - unable to query device capabilities
22-09-15 18:54:06,431 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:44
22-09-15 18:54:06,432 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:44
22-09-15 18:54:06,432 iTunes[904]: tid:1e7db - BootedOS mode device disconnected
22-09-15 18:54:06,433 iTunes[904]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x120b7d000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:06,433 apple.DevicePropertyReader[1477]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x10cc81000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:06,434 iTunes[904]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x120b7d000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:06,434 apple.DevicePropertyReader[1477]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x10cc81000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:06,436 apple.DevicePropertyReader[1477]: Pairing device failed for d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084 (This device is no longer connected.)
22-09-15 18:54:07,017 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:45
22-09-15 18:54:07,017 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:45
22-09-15 18:54:07,017 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:07,017 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:07,018 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:07,018 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:07,018[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca0230a4d0-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x2d:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:07,019 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:07,019 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 45 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:07,019 usbmuxd[75]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x103904000): AMDeviceConnect failed: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:07,019 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceIsAtLeastVersionOnPlatform (thread 0x103904000): Failed to get device os version from d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:07,019 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDevicePreflightWorker (thread 0x103904000): Pair worker could not pair with device 45: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:07,548 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:46
22-09-15 18:54:07,548 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:46
22-09-15 18:54:07,548 iTunes[904]: tid:1e7db - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:07,548 iTunes[904]: tid:1e7db - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:07,548 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:07,549 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:07,549[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca005004d0-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x2e:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:07,549 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:07,549 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 46 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:07,549 usbmuxd[75]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x103904000): AMDeviceConnect failed: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:07,549 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceIsAtLeastVersionOnPlatform (thread 0x103904000): Failed to get device os version from d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:07,549 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDevicePreflightWorker (thread 0x103904000): Pair worker could not pair with device 46: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:08,393 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:47
22-09-15 18:54:08,398 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - unable to query device capabilities
22-09-15 18:54:09,245 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:47
22-09-15 18:54:09,245 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:47
22-09-15 18:54:09,246 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
22-09-15 18:54:09,246 iTunes[904]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x1178e7000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:09,246 iTunes[904]: _receive_message (thread 0x11796a000): Could not securely receive message size: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:09,246 ath[1478]: _receive_message (thread 0x7fff76a3c300): Far end closed connection: Resource temporarily unavailable
22-09-15 18:54:09,246 iTunes[904]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x1178e7000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:09,246 ath[1478]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x7fff76a3c300): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:09,624 UserEventAgent[41]: assertion failed: 14F27: + 27165 [7D11514C-06DA-3679-AABC-611F5ECBD63B]: 0xffffffffe00002be
22-09-15 18:54:09,884 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:48
22-09-15 18:54:09,884 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:48
22-09-15 18:54:09,884 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:09,884 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:09,884 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:09,885 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:09,885[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca007012d0-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x30:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:09,885 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:09,885 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 48 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.
  • Like
Reactions: Mac Fly (film)
I'm having this problem aswell.
But it happened yesterday for the first time.....

The only thing I've changed is the new version of El capitan public beta.

Before that, everything was normal
  • Like
Reactions: Mac Fly (film)
Thank you all so much for your many helpful responses!

I placed a USB 2.0 hub in my iMac 5K, but my iMac won't recognize any device :( It's a trust USB 2.0 hub with 4 ports but non of them work on my iMac

The problem still exist, i tried it al.. the SMC reset, reset permissions, disc permissions, delete the ipads and begin from scratch, but non outcome.

My system logs show this after the connect/disconnect happens:

22-09-15 18:54:00,103 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:38
22-09-15 18:54:00,103 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:00,103 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:00,103 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:00,103 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:00,104[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca02207bd0-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x26:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:00,104 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:00,104 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 38 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:00,104 usbmuxd[75]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x103904000): AMDeviceConnect failed: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:00,104 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceIsAtLeastVersionOnPlatform (thread 0x103904000): Failed to get device os version from d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:00,104 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDevicePreflightWorker (thread 0x103904000): Pair worker could not pair with device 38: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:00,951 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:39
22-09-15 18:54:00,958 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - unable to query device capabilities
22-09-15 18:54:02,214 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:39
22-09-15 18:54:02,214 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:39
22-09-15 18:54:02,214 iTunes[904]: tid:17203 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
22-09-15 18:54:02,216 ath[1454]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x7fff76a3c300): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:02,216 iTunes[904]: AMDevicePowerAssertionCreate (thread 0x116d27000): Could not receive message from power assertion service on device 39: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:02,216 ath[1454]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x7fff76a3c300): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:03,151 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:40
22-09-15 18:54:03,151 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:40
22-09-15 18:54:03,151 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:03,151 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:03,152 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:03,152 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:03,152[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca0230a4d0-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x28:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:03,153 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:03,153 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 40 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:03,153 usbmuxd[75]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x103904000): AMDeviceConnect failed: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:03,153 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceIsAtLeastVersionOnPlatform (thread 0x103904000): Failed to get device os version from d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:03,153 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDevicePreflightWorker (thread 0x103904000): Pair worker could not pair with device 40: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:03,740 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:41
22-09-15 18:54:03,740 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:41
22-09-15 18:54:03,740 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:03,740 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:03,742 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:03,742 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:03,743[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca02207c00-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x29:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:03,743 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:03,743 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 41 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:03,743 usbmuxd[75]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x103904000): AMDeviceConnect failed: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:03,743 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceIsAtLeastVersionOnPlatform (thread 0x103904000): Failed to get device os version from d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:03,743 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDevicePreflightWorker (thread 0x103904000): Pair worker could not pair with device 41: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:04,558 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:42
22-09-15 18:54:04,562 iTunes[904]: tid:17203 - unable to query device capabilities
22-09-15 18:54:04,780 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:42
22-09-15 18:54:04,780 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:42
22-09-15 18:54:04,780 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
22-09-15 18:54:04,780 iTunes[904]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x120b7d000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:04,781 iTunes[904]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x120b7d000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:05,331 mds[57]: (Volume.Error:930) sysctl_queryfs failed: No such file or directory
22-09-15 18:54:05,331 mds[57]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7faeee014e00 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /private/var/tmp/MP9WCDGI
22-09-15 18:54:05,362 mds[57]: (Volume.Error:930) sysctl_queryfs failed: No such file or directory
22-09-15 18:54:05,371 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:43
22-09-15 18:54:05,371 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:43
22-09-15 18:54:05,371 iTunes[904]: tid:17203 - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:05,371 iTunes[904]: tid:17203 - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:05,371 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:05,372 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:05,372[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca007011e0-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x2b:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:05,372 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:05,372 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 43 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:05,372 usbmuxd[75]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x103904000): AMDeviceConnect failed: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:05,372 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceIsAtLeastVersionOnPlatform (thread 0x103904000): Failed to get device os version from d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:05,372 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDevicePreflightWorker (thread 0x103904000): Pair worker could not pair with device 43: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:05,000 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Boot OS X on device disk0s3
22-09-15 18:54:05,561[1]: ( Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds.
22-09-15 18:54:05,564 mds[57]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7faeeb019000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Boot OS X
22-09-15 18:54:05,571[43]: not watching C8317FD1-CE14-333F-91F0-6796DAF505AC -> no volume lock to grant
22-09-15 18:54:05,611 fseventsd[44]: Logging disabled completely for device:1: /Volumes/Boot OS X
22-09-15 18:54:05,703 mdworker[1377]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
22-09-15 18:54:05,703 mdworker[1376]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
22-09-15 18:54:05,703 mdworker[1375]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
22-09-15 18:54:05,704 mdworker[1381]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
22-09-15 18:54:05,704 mdworker[1378]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
22-09-15 18:54:05,000 kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Boot OS X on device disk0s3
22-09-15 18:54:06,155 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:44
22-09-15 18:54:06,158 iTunes[904]: tid:1e003 - unable to query device capabilities
22-09-15 18:54:06,431 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:44
22-09-15 18:54:06,432 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:44
22-09-15 18:54:06,432 iTunes[904]: tid:1e7db - BootedOS mode device disconnected
22-09-15 18:54:06,433 iTunes[904]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x120b7d000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:06,433 apple.DevicePropertyReader[1477]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x10cc81000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:06,434 iTunes[904]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x120b7d000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:06,434 apple.DevicePropertyReader[1477]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x10cc81000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:06,436 apple.DevicePropertyReader[1477]: Pairing device failed for d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084 (This device is no longer connected.)
22-09-15 18:54:07,017 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:45
22-09-15 18:54:07,017 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:45
22-09-15 18:54:07,017 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:07,017 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:07,018 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:07,018 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:07,018[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca0230a4d0-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x2d:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:07,019 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:07,019 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 45 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:07,019 usbmuxd[75]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x103904000): AMDeviceConnect failed: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:07,019 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceIsAtLeastVersionOnPlatform (thread 0x103904000): Failed to get device os version from d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:07,019 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDevicePreflightWorker (thread 0x103904000): Pair worker could not pair with device 45: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:07,548 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:46
22-09-15 18:54:07,548 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:46
22-09-15 18:54:07,548 iTunes[904]: tid:1e7db - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:07,548 iTunes[904]: tid:1e7db - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:07,548 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:07,549 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:07,549[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca005004d0-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x2e:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:07,549 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:07,549 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 46 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.
22-09-15 18:54:07,549 usbmuxd[75]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x103904000): AMDeviceConnect failed: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:07,549 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceIsAtLeastVersionOnPlatform (thread 0x103904000): Failed to get device os version from d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:07,549 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDevicePreflightWorker (thread 0x103904000): Pair worker could not pair with device 46: 0xe8000084
22-09-15 18:54:08,393 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:47
22-09-15 18:54:08,398 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - unable to query device capabilities
22-09-15 18:54:09,245 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:47
22-09-15 18:54:09,245 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:47
22-09-15 18:54:09,246 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
22-09-15 18:54:09,246 iTunes[904]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x1178e7000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:09,246 iTunes[904]: _receive_message (thread 0x11796a000): Could not securely receive message size: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:09,246 ath[1478]: _receive_message (thread 0x7fff76a3c300): Far end closed connection: Resource temporarily unavailable
22-09-15 18:54:09,246 iTunes[904]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x1178e7000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:09,246 ath[1478]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x7fff76a3c300): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:09,624 UserEventAgent[41]: assertion failed: 14F27: + 27165 [7D11514C-06DA-3679-AABC-611F5ECBD63B]: 0xffffffffe00002be
22-09-15 18:54:09,884 iTunes[904]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:48
22-09-15 18:54:09,884 iTunes[904]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:48
22-09-15 18:54:09,884 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Mux ID not found in mapping dictionary
22-09-15 18:54:09,884 iTunes[904]: tid:1dfe7 - Can't handle disconnect with invalid ecid
22-09-15 18:54:09,884 usbmuxd[75]: lockssl_handshake (thread 0x103904000): SSL handshake controlled failure 0: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL (Early EOF reached)
22-09-15 18:54:09,885 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x103904000): Could not start session with device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: kAMDDeviceDisconnectedError
22-09-15 18:54:09,885[75]: HandleUSBMuxConnect Client 0x7fca007012d0-usbmuxd/NULL requesting attach to 0x30:62078 failed, no such device
22-09-15 18:54:09,885 usbmuxd[75]: _connect_to_port (thread 0x103904000): USBMuxConnectByPort failed to connect to the device d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e on port 32498: Device not configured
22-09-15 18:54:09,885 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceConnect (thread 0x103904000): Could not connect to lockdown port (62078) on device 48 - d3842d50f6fb397fd08afe49c4e7241810fe103e: 0xe8000084.

Just curious...Have you taken it in for service yet? You clearly have something wrong with the machine.
Just curious...Have you taken it in for service yet? You clearly have something wrong with the machine.

No, because i read so much about this problem on other topics like this one

So i think it may not be the iMac itself if so many people have the same problem?

Anyone who can '' read'' my system log and have something to say about it? I have no experience with ''reading'' it.
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Reactions: Mac Fly (film)
I have the 5k retina iMac with the i7 4ghz cup and 4gb graphics but I have no issues with usb and connection to my iPad Air 2 even when my iPhone 6 Plus is also connected. The only other USB devices I use are a standard mouse and an Xbox game pad.

I am on the GM of El Capitan.

If I were you I would back everything up and reinstall Yosemite, if the issue persists then go to Apple.
Thanks for your input Marshal! I think i wait for El Captain and if the issue still persist i take it in for warranty.

The weird thing is that my iphones connect normally, also my external HDD's work perfectly fine. It's pure the iPads.

Tried to connect the iPad again and again the problem occurred. Got this in my system log:

23-09-15 08:37:27,000 kernel[0]: The USB device BRCM20702 Hub (Port 8 of Hub at 0x14000000) may have caused a wake by issuing a remote wakeup (2)
23-09-15 08:37:27,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::prePCIWake - power up complete - took 2 us
23-09-15 08:37:27,000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake - complete - took 1 milliseconds
23-09-15 08:37:27,000 kernel[0]: The USB device FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) (Port 7 of Hub at 0x14000000) may have caused a wake by issuing a remote wakeup (3)
23-09-15 08:37:27,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0xffffff80301e8200>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
23-09-15 08:37:27,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch<0xffffff80301e8200>(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
23-09-15 08:37:27,000 kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0040 [x]
23-09-15 08:37:27,000 kernel[0]: The USB device Bluetooth USB Host Controller (Port 3 of Hub at 0x14800000) may have caused a wake by issuing a remote wakeup (3)
23-09-15 08:37:27,000 kernel[0]: full wake promotion (reason 1) 232 ms
23-09-15 08:37:27,232 watchdogd[242]: [watchdog_daemon] @(         pm_callback) - ref=0x0 msg_type=0xe0000320 msg=0x0
23-09-15 08:37:27,000 kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 44:32:c8:ff:00:6c
23-09-15 08:37:27,000 kernel[0]: en1: channel changed to 1
23-09-15 08:37:27,234 hidd[94]: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
23-09-15 08:37:27,235 loginwindow[89]: ERROR | -[LWBuiltInScreenLockAuthLion closeAuthAndReset:] | Attempted to remove an observer when not observing
23-09-15 08:37:28,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on awdl0
23-09-15 08:37:28,412 WindowServer[152]: CGXDisplayDidWakeNotification [2116311926825]: posting kCGSDisplayDidWake
23-09-15 08:37:28,412 WindowServer[152]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: NULL shield_window (lock state: 1)
23-09-15 08:37:28,707 identityservicesd[290]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdb90e258f0>: notification observer:   notification: __CFNotification 0x7fdb90d22cc0 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
23-09-15 08:37:28,707 imagent[325]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fd1bd810b60>: notification observer:   notification: __CFNotification 0x7fd1bbd20840 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
23-09-15 08:37:28,716 imagent[325]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fd1bd810b60>:    NC Disabled: NO
23-09-15 08:37:28,716 identityservicesd[290]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdb90e258f0>:    NC Disabled: NO
23-09-15 08:37:28,725 imagent[325]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fd1bd810b60>:   DND Enabled: NO
23-09-15 08:37:28,725 identityservicesd[290]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdb90e258f0>:   DND Enabled: NO
23-09-15 08:37:28,725 imagent[325]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fd1bd810b60>: Updating enabled: YES   (Topics: (
23-09-15 08:37:28,725 identityservicesd[290]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdb90e258f0>: Updating enabled: YES   (Topics: (
23-09-15 08:37:28,725 identityservicesd[290]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdb90f00e90>: notification observer:   notification: __CFNotification 0x7fdb928105e0 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
23-09-15 08:37:28,729 identityservicesd[290]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdb90f00e90>:    NC Disabled: NO
23-09-15 08:37:28,732 identityservicesd[290]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdb90f00e90>:   DND Enabled: NO
23-09-15 08:37:28,732 identityservicesd[290]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fdb90f00e90>: Updating enabled: YES   (Topics: (
23-09-15 08:37:28,733 sharingd[294]: 08:37:28.733 : Discoverable mode changed to Contacts Only
23-09-15 08:37:28,734 sharingd[294]: 08:37:28.733 : BTLE scanning started
23-09-15 08:37:28,734 sharingd[294]: 08:37:28.733 : Scanning mode Contacts Only
23-09-15 08:37:28,734 sharingd[294]: 08:37:28.734 : BTLE scanner Powered Off
23-09-15 08:37:30,303 mDNSResponder[85]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dStartAdvertisingPair: 'imac-van-danielle' Advertising service started
23-09-15 08:37:30,304 mDNSResponder[85]: AwdlD2d AwdlD2dStartAdvertisingPair: '22e331efffa30c0e00000000000008efip6arpa' Advertising service started
23-09-15 08:37:30,356 storedownloadd[412]: DownloadServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7ff3e3300040> connection from pid 2857 with interface <DownloadServiceInterface: 0x7ff3e3300b80> (PID 2857)
23-09-15 08:37:30,360 iTunes[2857]: ApplePushService: APSConnection being used without a delegate queue
23-09-15 08:37:32,028[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
23-09-15 08:37:39,000 kernel[0]: ARPT: 2127.217955: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Wake - Full Wake/ Dark Wake / Maintenance wake
23-09-15 08:37:39,333 watchdogd[242]: [watchdog_daemon] @(         pm_callback) - ref=0x0 msg_type=0xe0000300 msg=0x0
23-09-15 08:37:39,333 coreaudiod[260]: 2015-09-23 08:37:39.332876 AM [AirPlay] Power: SystemHasPoweredOn
23-09-15 08:37:39,333 coreaudiod[260]: 2015-09-23 08:37:39.333440 AM [AirPlay] BTLE client starting to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
23-09-15 08:37:39,335 sharingd[294]: 08:37:39.334 : Starting AirDrop server for user 501 on wake
23-09-15 08:37:39,335 sharingd[294]: 08:37:39.334 : Scanning mode Contacts Only
23-09-15 08:37:39,340[66]: Attempt to use XPC with a MachService that has HideUntilCheckIn set. This will result in unpredictable behavior:
23-09-15 08:37:39,350 sharingd[294]: 08:37:39.349 : BTLE scanner Powered On
23-09-15 08:37:39,350 coreaudiod[260]: 2015-09-23 08:37:39.349565 AM [AirPlay] BTLE client stopping to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
23-09-15 08:37:39,350 coreaudiod[260]: 2015-09-23 08:37:39.349689 AM [AirPlay] BTLE client starting to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
23-09-15 08:37:39,350 coreaudiod[260]: 2015-09-23 08:37:39.350203 AM [AirPlay] BTLE client stopped to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
23-09-15 08:37:39,350 coreaudiod[260]: 2015-09-23 08:37:39.350323 AM [AirPlay] BTLE client started to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
23-09-15 08:37:39,354[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
23-09-15 08:37:39,000 kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 44:32:c8:ff:00:6c
23-09-15 08:37:39,000 kernel[0]: en1: channel changed to 1
23-09-15 08:37:39,000 kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 44:32:c8:ff:00:6c
23-09-15 08:37:39,000 kernel[0]: en1: channel changed to 1
23-09-15 08:37:39,383[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
23-09-15 08:37:39,400[2867]: objc[2867]: Class FALogging is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyCircle.framework/Versions/A/FamilyCircle and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyNotification.framework/Versions/A/FamilyNotification. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
23-09-15 08:37:39,406[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
23-09-15 08:37:39,415 logind[90]: -[SessionManager getClient:withRole:inAuditSession:]:241: ERROR: No session dictionary for audit session 100025
23-09-15 08:37:39,415 logind[90]: _SMGetSessionAgent:73: ERROR: __SMGetClientForAuditSessionAgent failed 2
23-09-15 08:37:39,415 IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent[2865]: SACShieldWindowShowing:925: ERROR: NULL response
23-09-15 08:37:40,854 ntpd[178]: wake time set +0.804502 s
23-09-15 08:37:42,135 apsd[73]: Illegal subject name missing '' ( ({
    label = "";
    "localized label" = "";
    type = string;
    value = US;
}, {
    label = "";
    "localized label" = "";
    type = string;
    value = California;
}, {
    label = "";
    "localized label" = "";
    type = string;
    value = Cupertino;
}, {
    label = "";
    "localized label" = "";
    type = string;
    value = "Apple Inc.";
}, {
    label = "";
    "localized label" = "";
    type = string;
    value = "";
23-09-15 08:38:12,000 kernel[0]: pci pause: SDXC
23-09-15 08:38:22,387[43]: Kext id not found; removing personalities from kernel.
23-09-15 08:38:22,388[43]: String/URL conversion failure.
23-09-15 08:38:22,000 kernel[0]: considerRebuildOfPrelinkedKernel prebuild rebuild has expired
23-09-15 08:38:22,489 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:22,502 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:1
23-09-15 08:38:22,505 iTunes[2857]: tid:11a8f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:22,521 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:22,796 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:1
23-09-15 08:38:22,796 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:1
23-09-15 08:38:22,796 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:22,796 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:23,056 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:23,068 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:2
23-09-15 08:38:23,070 iTunes[2857]: tid:11a8f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:23,080 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:23,348 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:2
23-09-15 08:38:23,348 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:2
23-09-15 08:38:23,348 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:23,348 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:23,601 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:23,617 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:3
23-09-15 08:38:23,620 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:23,637 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:23,837 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:3
23-09-15 08:38:23,837 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:3
23-09-15 08:38:23,837 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:23,837 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:24,146 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:24,161 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:4
23-09-15 08:38:24,163 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:24,181 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:24,468 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:4
23-09-15 08:38:24,468 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:4
23-09-15 08:38:24,468 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:24,469 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:24,707 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:24,719 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:5
23-09-15 08:38:24,721 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:24,732 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:24,749 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2873]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x10c987000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:25,021 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:5
23-09-15 08:38:25,021 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:5
23-09-15 08:38:25,021 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:25,022 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:25,042 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2873]: _send_message (thread 0x10c987000): Could not send message size 4977: Broken pipe.
23-09-15 08:38:25,043 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2873]: AMDeviceExtendedPairWithOptions (thread 0x10c987000): Could not pair with the device 5: 0xe8000084
23-09-15 08:38:25,045 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2873]: Pairing device failed for 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: 0xe8000084 (This device is no longer connected.)
23-09-15 08:38:25,046[1]: ([2873]) Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
23-09-15 08:38:25,259 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:25,270 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:6
23-09-15 08:38:25,271 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:25,281 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:25,562 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:6
23-09-15 08:38:25,562 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:6
23-09-15 08:38:25,562 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:25,563 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:25,808 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:25,821 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:7
23-09-15 08:38:25,822 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:25,835 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:26,107 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:7
23-09-15 08:38:26,107 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:7
23-09-15 08:38:26,108 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:26,108 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:26,360 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:26,369 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:8
23-09-15 08:38:26,371 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:26,381 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:26,670 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:8
23-09-15 08:38:26,670 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:8
23-09-15 08:38:26,670 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:26,670 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:26,914 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:26,927 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:9
23-09-15 08:38:26,929 iTunes[2857]: tid:11a8f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:26,949 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:27,000 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2876]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x105081000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:27,220 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:9
23-09-15 08:38:27,220 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:9
23-09-15 08:38:27,220 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:27,222 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:27,373 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2876]: _send_message (thread 0x105081000): Could not send message size 4977: Broken pipe.
23-09-15 08:38:27,373 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2876]: AMDeviceExtendedPairWithOptions (thread 0x105081000): Could not pair with the device 9: 0xe8000084
23-09-15 08:38:27,375 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2876]: Pairing device failed for 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: 0xe8000084 (This device is no longer connected.)
23-09-15 08:38:27,375[1]: ([2876]) Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
23-09-15 08:38:27,473 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:27,485 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:10
23-09-15 08:38:27,487 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:27,501 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:27,768 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:10
23-09-15 08:38:27,768 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:10
23-09-15 08:38:27,768 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:27,769 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:28,011 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:28,020 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:11
23-09-15 08:38:28,021 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:28,041 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:28,313 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:11
23-09-15 08:38:28,313 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:11
23-09-15 08:38:28,313 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:28,315 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:28,561 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:28,568 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:12
23-09-15 08:38:28,570 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:28,579 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:28,840 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:12
23-09-15 08:38:28,840 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:12
23-09-15 08:38:28,840 iTunes[2857]: tid:11a8f - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:28,840 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:29,109 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:29,123 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:13
23-09-15 08:38:29,125 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:29,140 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:29,412 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:13
23-09-15 08:38:29,412 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:13
23-09-15 08:38:29,412 iTunes[2857]: tid:11a8f - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:29,413 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:29,662 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:29,671 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:14
23-09-15 08:38:29,673 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:29,687 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:29,841 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:14
23-09-15 08:38:29,841 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:14
23-09-15 08:38:29,841 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:29,841 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:30,199 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:30,207 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:15
23-09-15 08:38:30,209 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:30,220 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:30,475 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:15
23-09-15 08:38:30,475 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:15
23-09-15 08:38:30,475 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:30,475 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:30,708 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:30,717 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:16
23-09-15 08:38:30,718 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:30,727 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:30,808 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2881]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x1093c8000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:31,024 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:16
23-09-15 08:38:31,025 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:16
23-09-15 08:38:31,025 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:31,026 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:31,261 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:31,268 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2881]: _send_message (thread 0x1093c8000): Could not send message size 4977: Broken pipe.
23-09-15 08:38:31,268 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2881]: AMDeviceExtendedPairWithOptions (thread 0x1093c8000): Could not pair with the device 16: 0xe8000084
23-09-15 08:38:31,270 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2881]: Pairing device failed for 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: 0xe8000084 (This device is no longer connected.)
23-09-15 08:38:31,271[1]: ([2881]) Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
23-09-15 08:38:31,272 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:17
23-09-15 08:38:31,273 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:31,284 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:31,555 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:17
23-09-15 08:38:31,556 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:17
23-09-15 08:38:31,556 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:31,556 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:31,800 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:31,810 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:18
23-09-15 08:38:31,811 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:31,822 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:31,830 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2882]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x106d87000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:32,079 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:18
23-09-15 08:38:32,080 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:18
23-09-15 08:38:32,080 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:32,081 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:32,163 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2882]: _send_message (thread 0x106d87000): Could not send message size 4977: Broken pipe.
23-09-15 08:38:32,163 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2882]: AMDeviceExtendedPairWithOptions (thread 0x106d87000): Could not pair with the device 18: 0xe8000084
23-09-15 08:38:32,164 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2882]: Pairing device failed for 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: 0xe8000084 (This device is no longer connected.)
23-09-15 08:38:32,165[1]: ([2882]) Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
23-09-15 08:38:32,317 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:32,326 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:19
23-09-15 08:38:32,327 iTunes[2857]: tid:1000f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:32,338 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:32,611 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:19
23-09-15 08:38:32,611 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:19
23-09-15 08:38:32,611 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:32,611 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:32,852 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:32,863 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:20
23-09-15 08:38:32,864 iTunes[2857]: tid:11a8f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:32,873 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:33,156 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:20
23-09-15 08:38:33,156 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:20
23-09-15 08:38:33,156 iTunes[2857]: tid:11a8f - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:33,157 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:33,398 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:33,407 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:21
23-09-15 08:38:33,411 iTunes[2857]: tid:11a8f - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:33,421 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:33,693 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:21
23-09-15 08:38:33,693 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:21
23-09-15 08:38:33,693 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:33,694 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:33,940 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:33,950 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:22
23-09-15 08:38:33,951 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:33,961 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:34,241 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:22
23-09-15 08:38:34,241 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:22
23-09-15 08:38:34,241 iTunes[2857]: tid:15757 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:34,242 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:34,487 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:34,500 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:23
23-09-15 08:38:34,501 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:34,514 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:34,573 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2886]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x10fd04000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:34,780 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:23
23-09-15 08:38:34,780 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:23
23-09-15 08:38:34,780 iTunes[2857]: tid:15757 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:34,782 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:34,925 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2886]: _send_message (thread 0x10fd04000): Could not send message size 4977: Broken pipe.
23-09-15 08:38:34,925 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2886]: AMDeviceExtendedPairWithOptions (thread 0x10fd04000): Could not pair with the device 23: 0xe8000084
23-09-15 08:38:34,927 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2886]: Pairing device failed for 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: 0xe8000084 (This device is no longer connected.)
23-09-15 08:38:34,927[1]: ([2886]) Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
23-09-15 08:38:35,025 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:35,033 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:24
23-09-15 08:38:35,036 iTunes[2857]: tid:15757 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:35,046 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:35,309 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:24
23-09-15 08:38:35,309 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:24
23-09-15 08:38:35,309 iTunes[2857]: tid:11a8f - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:35,309 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:35,551 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:35,563 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:25
23-09-15 08:38:35,565 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:35,576 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:35,597 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2887]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x10cfac000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:35,841 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:25
23-09-15 08:38:35,841 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:25
23-09-15 08:38:35,842 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:35,843 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:35,937 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2887]: _send_message (thread 0x10cfac000): Could not send message size 4977: Broken pipe.
23-09-15 08:38:35,937 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2887]: AMDeviceExtendedPairWithOptions (thread 0x10cfac000): Could not pair with the device 25: 0xe8000084
23-09-15 08:38:35,939 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2887]: Pairing device failed for 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: 0xe8000084 (This device is no longer connected.)
23-09-15 08:38:35,940[1]: ([2887]) Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
23-09-15 08:38:36,083 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:36,092 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:26
23-09-15 08:38:36,093 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:36,101 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:36,383 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:26
23-09-15 08:38:36,383 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:26
23-09-15 08:38:36,384 iTunes[2857]: tid:15757 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:36,384 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:36,631 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:36,642 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:27
23-09-15 08:38:36,645 iTunes[2857]: tid:15757 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:36,663 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:36,847 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:27
23-09-15 08:38:36,847 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:27
23-09-15 08:38:36,847 iTunes[2857]: tid:11a8f - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:36,847 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:37,143 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:37,170 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:28
23-09-15 08:38:37,172 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:37,185 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:37,443 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:28
23-09-15 08:38:37,443 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:28
23-09-15 08:38:37,443 iTunes[2857]: tid:11a8f - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:37,444 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:37,687 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:37,702 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:29
23-09-15 08:38:37,703 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:37,718 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:37,848 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:29
23-09-15 08:38:37,848 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:29
23-09-15 08:38:37,848 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:37,848 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:38,209 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:38,218 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:30
23-09-15 08:38:38,219 iTunes[2857]: tid:13f03 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:38,229 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:38,329 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2893]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x1101ed000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:38,356 Console[2890]: Failed to connect (_consoleX) outlet from (NSApplication) to (ConsoleX): missing setter or instance variable
23-09-15 08:38:38,509 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:30
23-09-15 08:38:38,509 iTunes[2857]: Entered:__thr_AMMuxedDeviceDisconnected, mux-device:30
23-09-15 08:38:38,510 iTunes[2857]: tid:11a8f - BootedOS mode device disconnected
23-09-15 08:38:38,511 usbmuxd[75]: _AMDeviceInsecureNotificationCallback (thread 0x110387000): Received insecure notification AMDNotificationFaceplant
23-09-15 08:38:38,540 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2893]: _send_message (thread 0x1101ed000): Could not send message size 4977: Broken pipe.
23-09-15 08:38:38,541 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2893]: AMDeviceExtendedPairWithOptions (thread 0x1101ed000): Could not pair with the device 30: 0xe8000084
23-09-15 08:38:38,542 apple.DevicePropertyReader[2893]: Pairing device failed for 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: 0xe8000084 (This device is no longer connected.)
23-09-15 08:38:38,543[1]: ([2893]) Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
23-09-15 08:38:38,748 usbmuxd[75]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x110281000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
23-09-15 08:38:38,759 iTunes[2857]: Entered:_AMMuxedVersion2DeviceConnected, mux-device:31
23-09-15 08:38:38,760 iTunes[2857]: tid:15757 - unable to query device capabilities
23-09-15 08:38:38,770 iTunes[2857]: AMDeviceStartSession (thread 0x121c64000): Could not start session with device 9193467dcab828ba7085464fb4ca1159c5179ef0: kAMDInvalidHostIDError
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Have you tried it with a different USB hub? Trust isn't a brand known for quality products.
The unpowered thing might affect things but in case of troubleshooting it is usually a good idea to try it with another hub. It's to make sure the hub itself isn't causing the issues.

No i didn't try another. This was an unpowered hub, does that matters?

It does matter. An unpowered hub is only intended to be used with devices that are powered separately from the computer. Devices relying on power through the USB port should be operated on a powered hub.
The unpowered thing might affect things but in case of troubleshooting it is usually a good idea to try it with another hub. It's to make sure the hub itself isn't causing the issues.

I didn't used a hub since yesterday but i tried one yesterday because i wanted to check if my devices would work with a hub but the hub didn't work haha
It does matter. An unpowered hub is only intended to be used with devices that are powered separately from the computer. Devices relying on power through the USB port should be operated on a powered hub.

Thanks a lot! Then i will try a powered hub if i can find one.

But i find it so strange that only a few iMac 5K owners have this problem, it isn't normal that it connects/disconnects every second, the device should work properly and also without the need of an external usb hub :(

These 4 youtube clips are what i'm experiencing each time

Sorry for my bad English ☺️
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This sucks big time.. i thought maybe OSX el capitan will be the answer to all of this, but just updated and the problem still exists.. now i think it looks more like an hardware default then a software default :(
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Reactions: Mac Fly (film)
I have similar problems with my iPhone disconnecting every time I need to do a backup and some USB peripherals, like a Keyboard and Mouse stop working suddenly a few times a day.
The problem is the USB on the iMac 5K doesn't have enough power to run multiple devices. I had to buy a separate Thunderbolt dock to keep all the devices running without problems...
I haven't had problems since. Basically all USB devices are directly connected to the TB Dock and I am not using any USB ports from the iMac 5K... Unfortunately the dock is $200 but it might solve your problems...
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