So I use 3 storage services, smugmug, dropbox, onedrive. Each of them is unique in certain way that makes it worthwhile. I upgraded to iOS11 and there seems to be some kind of integration between Files app and dropbox and onedrive. But besides viewing files I don't seem to be able to do anything else. Am I missing some features here?
not entirely sure if i am missing your point but its clear that it was
intended mainly for iCloud Drive users who have an upgraded iCloud storage plan and especially those who have enabled storing their mac's desktop and documents folder files in iCloud, in order to access across all devices both iOS and macOS.
all of my mac desktop and documents folders are reproduced as is, as i made them, in iCloud. i wouldn't use iCloud without being able to store things exactly where i want them stored.
this is directly from the apple website and includes info about files and folders and locations on 3rd party servers:
Access your Desktop and Documents files on another device
When you
add your Desktop and Documents to iCloud Drive, all of your files move to iCloud and any new files you create are automatically stored in iCloud too. Then you can find your documents, spreadsheets, and presentations on all of your devices.
If you want to store your files in iCloud Drive and another cloud storage service, you can keep copies of your files in both, but you can't keep folders from a third-party cloud service in iCloud Drive. You can keep your other cloud service folders in a different place on your Mac, like
the home folder.
if you don't have iCloud, then Files is of no substantial value to you.