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macrumors newbie
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Mar 3, 2008
I am having trouble locating a specific file with the finder. I am searching for all files ending with .lrplugin and have enabled "system files" - "are included" option as well as "file extension hidden" - "any" option under search. Am I missing a setting? I definitively know that the files exist as I can navigate to them in the finder....
(sorry if i can't help much with a solution - but posting as someone who also has this problem from time to time)
when a re-index is done, are system files and files normally in, for example, Library, also re-indexed?
are these types of apple system files being found now when you try to search for them?
I am having trouble locating a specific file with the finder. I am searching for all files ending with .lrplugin and have enabled "system files" - "are included" option as well as "file extension hidden" - "any" option under search. Am I missing a setting? I definitively know that the files exist as I can navigate to them in the finder....
Spotlight is the culprit, it can be very lame indeed. Check out EasyFind,
This is just plain disappointing. What is the reason the file does not show up in search? Indexing?

How come 3rd party apps are able to produce a result in a few seconds while spotlight can’t even find it?
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I keep BOTH "EasyFind" and "Find Any File" close-at-hand.
Both are free and easy to use.
Glad you guys referred the above Finder replacements. Brand new 27" imac here with fresh install of 10.13.2. Mounted mac drives on desktop and in sidebar but Finder can't find a freakin' file. What A Joke. It's magical. Bull**t


edit: Purchased Find Any File. Found my files quick AND gave me a indication for what it was doing! A revelation! ps. The APP Store is, as it was before, a.rotten.mess to use
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But my goto search app now is always iFileX, hands down the best IMHO.
That's been discontinued and personally, I also avoid MacUpdate: Why You Shouldn’t Download Mac Apps From MacUpdate Any More
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