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macrumors 68040
Jun 9, 2015
Reporting over the years has strongly suggested that Apple tried to make glasses and found it impossible. Reporting also suggests that several of the engineers on the Vision project left it in protest believing that it’s not ready for public consumption. So no, I don’t think this could have or will branch into a glasses form factor. There’s not enough room. Where would the heat go? The LiDAR scanners and cameras can’t be eliminated from the system without completely compromising it. You’d lose hand and eye tracking.
This is what i want


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Sep 25, 2018
Had my demo yesterday, was there quite early so had the VPro on for ~ 1/2 hr.
I am visually challenged (don't have 3D vision), I do wear glasses for far sight but always take them off at the computer and sometimes take them off when watching TV and that does not bother me. So I decided to do the demo without Zeiss lenses. I also asked them top use the over the head strap and they accommodated that.

Question to people who did the in-store demos: did you get a chance to try the dual-strap, or is the solo strap the only thing they have for you to try?

Fitting it on was pretty simple and easy as they assisted me, I asked them to adjust the tightness (tighter than what he suggested). Sure you notice that you have something on your head but it did not feel uncomfortable during the 1/2 hr, and I had no discomfort later either.
The screen was not crisp for me so so I would definitely use lenses, but this did not really impact my overall impressions w=either, just when trying to read text.
Eye tracking and hand gestures worked great.
Opening apps and moving windows around great, browsing photos was cool too.
the 3D movie was nice, but doesn't do anything for me really (see above), same experience as I had with the cheapo plastic glasses that you get at like Universal Studios.
Immersion was phantastic, looking around me left/right/up/down I was expecting to see like my feet, but no.
The one area that I really wanted to explore was a Mac screen, but they did not have a Mac setup, it's a smaller store and he suggested to come back in a couple weeks for another demo as they might have one then.

Overall I was quite impressed, no discomfort in the short time, but the demo is too short and there is just not enough time to explore more features.

If I were traveling as much as I used to, I would love to have one for these for long flights (as I basically cannot sleep on a plane).

I see lots of use cases, remote troubleshooting, training, education etc., I do not know that the VPro is a device that I would want to use for "productivity" apps, nor for web browsing (a la Macrumors or reading news), but, this is also a 1.0 product.

While I would like another demo (focusing on Mac, productivity apps) I think I'd be better off buying one and really ue it for 14 days to make a final decision, but at this point I do not think that the VPro replaces iPad or Mac ... the other part for me is that I have ~ 100k photos and I use Lightroom and would have to see that working.

Overall I give it the thumbs up


Sep 25, 2018
I'm 40... assuming I statistically see 80, I think there's a very good chance I'll be dead (or blind) first. The power is the problem. Battery technology has gone almost nowhere.
my first work issued laptop was a Compaq LTE (I think that was the name), battery last 1.5-2hrs max, my M1 MBA lasts ~18hrs - so surely it's a combination of several things but to say that battery technology has gone almost nowhere is plain wrong... it's all a question of time
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macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2014
my first work issued laptop was a Compaq LTE (I think that was the name), battery last 1.5-2hrs max, my M1 MBA lasts ~18hrs - so surely it's a combination of several things but to say that battery technology has gone almost nowhere is plain wrong... it's all a question of time
I read MIT Technology review and there's always something on batteries in it... most of the major innovations coming that relate to batteries involve those on achieving very high charging cycles with negligible full-charge capacity loss, but there's sadly little to be shown for charging density and weight reduction. Solid-state is turning out like fusion power "just another decade away, soon I think."

When you think about it, present day lithium-ion/polymer technology dates back to the 1970s. It's pretty amazing how slow batteries have moved along when you consider the demand (smart phones, electric cars).

It's a massive challenge to engineer the materials one needs for excellent battery performance that exceeds our galvanic reality.


Sep 25, 2018
When you think about it, present day lithium-ion/polymer technology dates back to the 1970s. It's pretty amazing how slow batteries have moved along when you consider the demand (smart phones, electric cars).

It's a massive challenge to engineer the materials one needs for excellent battery performance that exceeds our galvanic reality.
that "demand" is not even 20 years old (iPhone was introduced in 2017) and considering that there are EVs available now that can charge like 50kWh in under 20 minutes, to me that is huge progress. But, there clearly is a need to do better ...
For me, who grew up way before there was an internet (leave alone computers other than mainframes), technology is evolving at an amazing pace ...
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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
From someone who had seen so many reviews and Apple's promotional videos, I thought it would be a perfect fit.

Can't do: Mac Virtual display with my Studio Mac, can't handle more than 1 Apple ID, can't access Disney+ due to different Apple IDs, can't keep it on my face longer than 30 minutes - my cheekbones and eyes hurt, and the control panel placement really sucks.

After 3 days of use I am going to return this $3800 toy.

It's a great toy, but not productive for me to warranty keeping it.
You may want to edit this post regarding your Studio Mac so people don't get the wrong idea, because it sounds like you’re saying VP flat out doesn’t work with Studio Mac, but I see from later posts it was an issue more specific to you since you’re using two Apple IDs. A lot of your issues seemed to stem from this requirement. It’s unfortunate but most/all Apple devices can only use most/all ecosystem features under one Apple ID.

I haven’t gotten through this whole thread yet, but regarding discomfort, I’m curious did you use the single or double band, or did you try both? Also did you mean the control panel placement or the control center button placement? If the latter, did you know the placement height can be adjusted? But regardless, I’ve heard a few people say they wish it could be invoked using a hand gesture. Perhaps that will come in some future vOS update.

My face hurt too after the demo and it was fitted to my face.
I'm curious here as well, did you try both single and dual bands?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 17, 2013
You may want to edit this post regarding your Studio Mac so people don't get the wrong idea, because it sounds like you’re saying VP flat out doesn’t work with Studio Mac, but I see from later posts it was an issue more specific to you since you’re using two Apple IDs. A lot of your issues seemed to stem from this requirement. It’s unfortunate but most/all Apple devices can only use most/all ecosystem features under one Apple ID.

I haven’t gotten through this whole thread yet, but regarding discomfort, I’m curious did you use the single or double band, or did you try both? Also did you mean the control panel placement or the control center button placement? If the latter, did you know the placement height can be adjusted? But regardless, I’ve heard a few people say they wish it could be invoked using a hand gesture. Perhaps that will come in some future vOS update.

I'm curious here as well, did you try both single and dual bands?
They did not offer the Dual Band to try with the demo, so I didn't get to try it out. I also didn't ask for it, the demo seemed to go so quickly.
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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
But this is fine, because eye tracking and pinches are not a replacement for multi touch. This input method will always limit the functionality of the device. But if the glasses can accent the world around you, if they can detect objects, people, and more and enhance these is a game changer that is hard to put into a single paragraph. I can see the digital crown on the glasses cycling through modes where the lowest is no accent to the real world (normal vision), and it steps forward to a slightly accented and then heavily accented world.
From what I understand, in VP you can use multitouch on virtual displays within your reach.

I’m a bit divided about AR glasses replacing phones. It would be very useful, but as far as I know it would require constant forward-facing cameras, which can be invasive for others and I believe the main reason Google Glass got such backlash. Headsets are ok IMO because they are meant to be used for specific times and places, usually in the confines of a home or workplace. But AR glasses as phone replacement or phone accessory would presumably be worn everywhere all the time.


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2014
I'll be honest, I wouldn't be able to get over how stupid I would look wearing this thing on a plane amongst other people. While it's OK to somewhat isolate on a plane with noise cancelling headphones, it seems rude, inappropriate, and unwise to completely isolate both noise and vision. I can just see the flight attendants rolling their eyes now, "Sorry would you mind tapping the space man next to you to get his attention, it's time to land."
Honestly, AirPods and a sleeping mask are more isolating than the Vision Pro that shows you your surroundings.


macrumors member
Feb 8, 2021
I'm 40... assuming I statistically see 80, I think there's a very good chance I'll be dead (or blind) first. The power is the problem. Battery technology has gone almost nowhere.
Same boat age wise. I have a little more faith in battery tech. EV batteries have a ton of promise with what seems like 20 to 30 different breakthroughs in the pipeline. Didnt Apple recently file a battery related patent as well? But i hear you, battery breakthroughs in the CE space have been very stagnant for decades. I dont mind the external battery though. They could allow third party options for larger capacities. Its the hardware up top thats the issue. I really think the best way to get to a better price and form factor is to offload all hardware processing to an apple device lke iphone/ipad/macbook. Make the glasses connect via thin earpod like data/power cable to tb4/ (that doesnt exist yet). And have the glasses act as semi smart displays with transparent micro oleds.
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macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
found instructions on how to access it.

TV App
Click Search
Select “Only on Vision Pro”

You should see it. Can’t confirm because don’t have mine yet.

Thanks, I'll give this a try later today and see if it works.

Edit: that worked. Thanks.
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