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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 2, 2014
After a lot of contemplation and going back on fourth and buying both phones I decided to stick with the Blue Ti. Both are beautiful in their own way but I’m a dark coloured phone guy. Finally at peace


So far I've gone from...Black Ti > Blue Ti > Natural Ti

My Natural Ti should be arriving by the end of next week hopefully, so I have until then to decide between the Blue and Natural. Genuinely can't decide at the moment, I keep changing my mind.
Not the black? I love the blue btw, just curious why black isn’t the most professional in your opinion, given so many “business” things are black or dark gray.

I may have gone with black if I didn’t get black for my 14 Pro. This also fills the hole that pacific blue 12 left in me.
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I‘ve been to the Apple store and checked out the iPhone 15 Pro in blue. It‘s beautiful for sure but the models on display had bright scuffs on them around the edges which surprised me because they are attached to the Magsafe stands most of the time and they are pretty new and haven‘t been there for months. So it seems like the coating is pretty delicate and it‘s best to put a case on it if you want to preserve it.

Btw: situation was similar with the midnight Macbook Air.
Not the black? I love the blue btw, just curious why black isn’t the most professional in your opinion, given so many “business” things are black or dark gray.
Interesting because if you look at business attire and suits, its usually variations of dark and light blues or navy blues and rarely blacks.
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I‘ve been to the Apple store and checked out the iPhone 15 Pro in blue. It‘s beautiful for sure but the models on display had bright scuffs on them around the edges which surprised me because they are attached to the Magsafe stands most of the time and they are pretty new and haven‘t been there for months. So it seems like the coating is pretty delicate and it‘s best to put a case on it if you want to preserve it.

Btw: situation was similar with the midnight Macbook Air.
Many people touch those everyday and aren't careful with them at the Apple Store. I've had my midnight MacBook Air for almost a year and there are no scuffs or scratches. If you drop the phone frequently, I'm sure it'll get scuffs and scratches but, otherwise, I think it'd be okay.
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I just switched from Nat ti to blue ti, too. I originally felt the blue was too close to the 14PM purple that I had, and I wanted something significantly different, but I got a little bored with the Nat ti. The blue looks so good, and it looks more like a back slab than the black does (to me): the black seems more dark gray.

I know I’m imagining things, but something about the blue band feels better than the Nat ti.

I rarely use a case, and I’ll be upset if the blue scratches because I looked at it the wrong way 😂
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Not the black? I love the blue btw, just curious why black isn’t the most professional in your opinion, given so many “business” things are black or dark gray.
Funny because nothing pro Apple makes actually comes in black, outside the iPhone. No black Mac Pro, no black MacBook Pro, no black iPad Pro etc etc.
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