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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 9, 2003
Erie, PA
I got an iTV Gen 3 for free. I was wonder if there is anything I can do with it other what it can do outside the box?

Can I Jail Break it? I don't know anything about the Apple iTV so this is all new to me.

Thanks! :)

= Hugh
"i" TV ??? Apple TV (atv) ver 3 has not been jail broken however, you can use it with PLEX by incorporating a third party app called Plexconnect.
Sorry for my misspoke of it's name. I have no idea where I got iTV out of Apple TV.

Anyways thanks for the heads up. :)

I know the second gen can be jail broken and can do sone pretty cool stuff.

I don’t know about the 3rd gen, iirc, it cannot be jailbroken.

Actually, I think the second gen is holding it’s value better than the 3rd due to this reason.

Because other than being jailbroken, the 3rd gen is better in every other way.
I got an iTV Gen 3 for free. I was wonder if there is anything I can do with it other what it can do outside the box?

It's inside the box but you should be able to play Amazon Prime Video, having probably a much better user experience than with that crappy Fire TV Stick 2nd gen I have just bought because that's all Amazon is selling here in my Country..
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