PC Gamer here. I'm slowly moving towards console gaming. We own an Xbox One S (granted, not the X you're asking about) and I have a gaming PC. I'm going the opposite way - I'm moving towards consoles.
PC Gaming has some lovely advantages. Things like Steam Sales and humble bundles means games are CHEAP. But I now have a collection of 200 Steam games (and many have much more than that), about 175 of which I've never played, and only about 10 of which I do play. So all these cheap games...was it worth it? Eh, probably not. I'd prefer a handful of good games. High end gaming PCs also look spectacular, so that's a positive too.
But I've moved away from it, because once your PC begins to age, it gets REALLY expensive. I'm now at the point where my PC needs a new graphics card, RAM, CPU and motherboard. So I can spend £800 upgrading that, or buy a Xbox One X for half the price. And the One X will never need touched again, whilst the PC will need more upgrades before the generation is done.
Then there's the tech issues. I seem to spend more time debugging games than playing them. It's amazing that the Steam Workshop allows easy modding. Like for X-Com 2 and Cities Skylines I can install mods so much easier than I used to do back in the day. However, most of them are broken. Or did work and the game has been updated and now they don't work, so I need to read documentation and forum posts to find out what works with what...and then I get annoyed and go back the base game anyway. I consider myself a modder, but even I got bored with the mess things are in.
If you like tinkering, if you have the money, if you like customisation and if you have no problem with the fact you'll have to upgrade the PC every 3 years or so, then go for it. There are a lot of advantages. However, console gaming has caught up with PC gaming big time, and the gap is smaller than ever. The Xbox One X now supports a mouse and keyboard (it's game specific if specific for in-game support though).
I personally have been a PC gamer since I was 5 or so. I've had consoles the whole time as well but always preferred the PC. Now, I'm moving the other way. I'm moving towards consoles because they're so good that the gap is smaller than ever, and it's easier.