Okay, so I've been playing with my white HP since it arrived this morning, and I'm super pleased with my purchase.
It was expensive, but I've been looking for a (wireless) speaker for my kitchen for ages, and after testing alternatives, I decided to go for the HP.
For me, my priorities were good sound quality, acceptable small form factor (for WAF) and as an Apple Music subscriber, integration with Apple Music.
- It looks great. WAF acceptable.
- It sounds exceedingly good. For such a small speaker, the sound quality is superb. I love the way it adapts to wherever you put it. Everything I've played so far has impressed, from Gangnam Style to Ludovico Einaudi to Metallica to XX..
- It does sound like the EQ of the music had been tweaked specifically to improve the soundstage and breadth of the sound (bit more treble, and a bit less midrange), at the expense of a little transparency, but that is a worthwhile slight trade-off, as a desktop small speaker will never adequately deliver a completely transparent sound in the way my living room PMC floorstanders do.
- The "Hey Siri.." voice interaction is a big surprise, in how well it works from across the room, despite music playing at a loud volume. Very clever. Wish my iPhone was that sensitive when I'm driving.
- The "Hey Siri.." works from my wife. This is great. The reports over the last few days about it being tied to a single account made me assume it would only respond to my voice. But my wife can call up any music too, even though only I have an Apple Music sub. Phew!
- The sound quality for me is best at a distance away from the speaker.. i.e. more than a metre or two. Then it really opens up, and diffuses around you. That suits me and my kitchen where I have it placed 4 metres or so from where I will be. I wouldn't put it on my desk and use it as a computer speaker - too close I think.
- It's really loud. Even at two-thirds of max volume, I can hear it from anywhere in my house!
So far so good.
Terrific speaker.
And whilst a thread with a title like this will attract those who are seeking to criticise the HP and its purchasers in order to validate their own opinion and decision not to buy, I say "live and let live". Relax, and be pleased that Apple will be making even more healthy profits this quarter!
It was expensive, but I've been looking for a (wireless) speaker for my kitchen for ages, and after testing alternatives, I decided to go for the HP.
For me, my priorities were good sound quality, acceptable small form factor (for WAF) and as an Apple Music subscriber, integration with Apple Music.
- It looks great. WAF acceptable.
- It sounds exceedingly good. For such a small speaker, the sound quality is superb. I love the way it adapts to wherever you put it. Everything I've played so far has impressed, from Gangnam Style to Ludovico Einaudi to Metallica to XX..
- It does sound like the EQ of the music had been tweaked specifically to improve the soundstage and breadth of the sound (bit more treble, and a bit less midrange), at the expense of a little transparency, but that is a worthwhile slight trade-off, as a desktop small speaker will never adequately deliver a completely transparent sound in the way my living room PMC floorstanders do.
- The "Hey Siri.." voice interaction is a big surprise, in how well it works from across the room, despite music playing at a loud volume. Very clever. Wish my iPhone was that sensitive when I'm driving.
- The "Hey Siri.." works from my wife. This is great. The reports over the last few days about it being tied to a single account made me assume it would only respond to my voice. But my wife can call up any music too, even though only I have an Apple Music sub. Phew!
- The sound quality for me is best at a distance away from the speaker.. i.e. more than a metre or two. Then it really opens up, and diffuses around you. That suits me and my kitchen where I have it placed 4 metres or so from where I will be. I wouldn't put it on my desk and use it as a computer speaker - too close I think.
- It's really loud. Even at two-thirds of max volume, I can hear it from anywhere in my house!
So far so good.
Terrific speaker.
And whilst a thread with a title like this will attract those who are seeking to criticise the HP and its purchasers in order to validate their own opinion and decision not to buy, I say "live and let live". Relax, and be pleased that Apple will be making even more healthy profits this quarter!
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