I never understood all the early hate the new phones received. There's only so much a company can and is willing to do to stay profitable on a yearly upgrade. If you have a notched iPhone then you're not gonna feel the need to upgrade as much as us notchless iPhone folk. And if you have the money to burn then why not. I upgraded from an iPhone 7.
- Design
- Personally I like the more squared off design (My all-time favourite iPhone design is the iPhone 5s).
- It's really not that comfortable to hold, especially compared to any of the iPhones with rounded edges but it's not a deal breaker.
- The shiny stainless steel sides are pretty. I don't care about fingerprints. That's what your shirt is for.
- Performance
- I upgraded from an iPhone 7 and everything is so snappy! Hundreds of safari tabs don't make safari laggy!
- Screen
- I pretty much splashed the extra cash on the 13 Pro instead of the 13 for the 120Hz screen and I have to say I notice it all the time. Is it necessary? No. Is it nice? Definitely. Buttery smoooooth.
- I love how sharp the display is and just having more screen is great.
- On another note: does anyone else think the extra space below the keyboard is ugly? Well I was thinking the same thing but then realised it's probably to allow the keyboard to be higher up on the screen to prevent needing to have your hands super low for typing and risk having the phone being top-heavy and tipping over.
- Battery
- I'm sitting at around 6 hours on screen time from 85% to 23%. I'm enjoying not having to plug in so often!
- Cameras
- I haven't had a chance to really test out the cameras yet but the amount of detail you can capture in low light is incredible. Thinking about doing an iPhone 7 vs 13 camera comparison video.
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