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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 6, 2006
I miss MacDraw, a program for doing simple drawings: boxes with text in them, arrows, etc. Basic stuff, stuff I don't want to use a large complicated program for. During the many years since it was around I have never found a program as easy to use. Any suggestions for a current program that will do the same thing?

I miss MacDraw, a program for doing simple drawings: boxes with text in them, arrows, etc. Basic stuff, stuff I don't want to use a large complicated program for. During the many years since it was around I have never found a program as easy to use. Any suggestions for a current program that will do the same thing?

I think Paint X might do what you want.
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Assuming you want a vector based drawing program, look at OmniGraffle or EazyDraw. The former is great for charts and the later as a general vector drawing program.
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I miss MacDraw, a program for doing simple drawings: boxes with text in them, arrows, etc. Basic stuff, stuff I don't want to use a large complicated program for. During the many years since it was around I have never found a program as easy to use. Any suggestions for a current program that will do the same thing?


is absolutely great, and it's free! (and REALLY easy!)
Mac draw replCement

I also was addicted to the old McDraw program. Did everything with it. Was a general contractor on extensions on my house and sold it to the local zoning community as a full up sketch. But iDraw from my Mac side of the computer does not even come close to the functionality of the old McDrwa program. Oh to have McDraw back again in some sort of an application Mac, or PC side.

iDraw does not come close. Don't waste your money.
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MacDraft is still around...
And still perfectly good for drafting plans for cabinets, endtables, garden sheds and the like.
I've used both OmniGraffle and EazyDraw, they have their positive sides, but neither is as good as MacDraft for producing dimensioned drawings for use in building stuff.
Hi guys! We now have a MacRumours account to answer any of your queries. Bit late to this thread but MacDraft 6.1 is available at we have ALOT of customers coming to us with a history with MacDraw and hopefully some of you will agree that its still fantastic for scaled dimensioned drawing :)
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Hi guys! We now have a MacRumours account to answer any of your queries. Bit late to this thread but MacDraft 6.1 is available at we have ALOT of customers coming to us with a history with MacDraw and hopefully some of you will agree that its still fantastic for scaled dimensioned drawing :)

I had a MacDraft license in the '70s and '80s. It was a great tool then, except for the limited included libraries, but still used MacDraw for other than house and garden plans. Do your records go back to the early Mac days? Would that reduce the cost of a Pro license? Would I have to buy additional libraries to do network and software drawings as I did then?
I had a MacDraft license in the '70s and '80s. It was a great tool then, except for the limited included libraries, but still used MacDraw for other than house and garden plans. Do your records go back to the early Mac days? Would that reduce the cost of a Pro license? Would I have to buy additional libraries to do network and software drawings as I did then?


Its possible we have you on record yes. If you can drop me an email with your name, email and any additional information regarding your version of MacDraw we can see what sort of deal we can sort out :) DM me here or email me at :)
I strongly recommend LIBREOFFICE ( It is a FREE office suite and a successor to OpenOffice. And YES, it does have a vector drawing program like MacDraw, and it can open MacDraw documents. My favorite feature of LibreOffice is its ability to import word processing docs written in any of a host of obsolete formats, including WriteNow, Word Perfect, MacWrite, etc.
Seven and a half years after my first reply in this thread and I'm still using Eazydraw to do figures for books I am writing. I've got but don't use OmniGraffle anymore.
Of all these suggestions, I like OmniGraffle the best, for being so well designed, you could simply ignore the overwhelming power of what it can do, and draw simple things quickly, and be done with it -- however MacDraw came free with my Mac, and the minimal price for OmniGraffle is $150 - way too much for the simple tasks of MacDraw. Other suggestions (MacDraft and others are even worse in this respect, demanding No less than $250 for the most basic version). I never experimented with Keynote and Pages as "drawing software" but will certainly try it now, as I was writing a document in Pages, and looked for a MacDraw replacement to do some simple drawing for my Pages document... Where do they hide the functionality?
I've tried a bunch of these (not all), but just installed EazyDraw and I think it's the one. So many others have complex UIs that require reading the manual; EazyDraw is very natural to a MacDraw user from 1984.
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