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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 12, 2020

I get the iPhone 15 Pro Max last year, and I think I have an issue with my battery at this moment like we can see on the screen. Full battery this morning, at noon only 16% but I did not use it this morning… What I am suppose to do?


Jesus, That’s fast to run out of battery, I’m no expert, but that may be a bad battery, or you are gaming on it. I know updates to the OS can tank your battery, but I have never seen it to that extent. I see no games, so if you don’t have a bad battery I think I’m going to blame brave browser, browsing the internet seems to really drain battery
Jesus, That’s fast to run out of battery, I’m no expert, but that may be a bad battery, or you are gaming on it. I know updates to the OS can tank your battery, but I have never seen it to that extent. I see no games, so if you don’t have a bad battery I think I’m going to blame brave browser, browsing the internet seems to really drain battery

It’s very strange. I don’t know why. This morning, as usual, I used Waze to go in my business. After that, I was in meeting, I left it and… 16%.
In the "Batterie" list showing apps, tap the "AFFICHER L'UTILISATION ..." control shown in blue. This will show battery-usage per app, rather than time per app. Please post a screen shot.

It's possible that some Widgets were consuming power. Try temporarily disabling all lock-screen widgets.
I know video conferencing is not light on battery, but 30 mins should not drain a 15 pro max like that. I suggest what @chown33 said and check what used all of your battery
I had discharge all my battery, and my phone is charging. I don’t know if that biais this screen.
Jesus, how the heck is twitter (X) using more battery percentage then minutes used? Brave used 15 percent in 5 mins, how? I think you have one of two things: 1: a bad battery, in that case call Apple and see if it can be fixed, or 2: a virus, in that case do your research, I have never gotten a virus on iPhone, so o have no idea how to deal with that. But considering everything is using crap loads of battery and I see no suspicious apps, you may just have a defective battery. Either way, call Apple support, the iPhone 15 should still be under warranty. They should do it for free, and if they refuse, talk to a local repair shop, they will do it cheaper then Apple. Do one more cycle just to be sure, charge it to 100 and completely drain it. If it goes just as fast contact Apple about battery replacement.
Jesus, how the heck is twitter (X) using more battery percentage then minutes used? Brave used 15 percent in 5 mins, how? I think you have one of two things: 1: a bad battery, in that case call Apple and see if it can be fixed, or 2: a virus, in that case do your research, I have never gotten a virus on iPhone, so o have no idea how to deal with that. But considering everything is using crap loads of battery and I see no suspicious apps, you may just have a defective battery. Either way, call Apple support, the iPhone 15 should still be under warranty. They should do it for free, and if they refuse, talk to a local repair shop, they will do it cheaper then Apple. Do one more cycle just to be sure, charge it to 100 and completely drain it. If it goes just as fast contact Apple about battery replacement.
Thanks for your help!

Today I drain all my battery. It's charging. And I drain it again and charge it again, is it?

Wow, if it's a virus I'm very unlucky but I don't think so, I don't change my habits, isn't? If it's a bad battery how I can prove to Apple that there is a default? These screens are sufficient? It's very weird because there are no tangible arguments...
I say charge and drain one more time and tell us if it lasted longer, the same, or shorter. If it is a virus, yes you are quite unlucky, but I agree that it’s probably not that. It does not seem like anything you are doing, and the phone is reporting the battery usage correctly it seems. And just call Apple and explain your situation, if they ask for evidence those screenshots should do. It clearly shows apps using way more then expected. Although, before calling support, are you updated to the latest version of IOS? I don’t think it is the issue, but might as well give it a try.
I say charge and drain one more time and tell us if it lasted longer, the same, or shorter. If it is a virus, yes you are quite unlucky, but I agree that it’s probably not that. It does not seem like anything you are doing, and the phone is reporting the battery usage correctly it seems. And just call Apple and explain your situation, if they ask for evidence those screenshots should do. It clearly shows apps using way more then expected. Although, before calling support, are you updated to the latest version of IOS? I don’t think it is the issue, but might as well give it a try.
Thanks! It is charging and after that, I will drain again and charge again. It's very strange because today it's the worst situation. Before that, it was OK, I have the impression the battery was not huge but not like today. Yeah it is the last version of iOS. So after a new drain/charge, I will send you screen of app to know if it's more normal?
Yes, that should be fine, the screenshot should be very helpful.
Hello! So yesterday, I have drained and charged my battery. Like we said, I will made it once again! At this moment (I am waiting to drain my battery), you can see the screen. It's not worst like yesterday but I think it's not good at all.


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It is better, but I would still suggest calling apple tech about it. They could probably help you more then I can. It looks like a bad battery. But that is quite a bit better then when you first had the issue, I think it could be software. Also just use safari, brave will drain you battery very fast
It is better, but I would still suggest calling apple tech about it. They could probably help you more then I can. It looks like a bad battery. But that is quite a bit better then when you first had the issue, I think it could be software. Also just use safari, brave will drain you battery very fast
Thanks, I am agree with you! What is the number to contact? Thanks.
Did you restart your phone?
There’s an app for apple support. Install it and follow the steps for iPhone support. Apple will call you back.

Did you restart your phone?
There’s an app for apple support. Install it and follow the steps for iPhone support. Apple will call you back.

Thanks for the app. I have drain all my battery both times so it’s a restart, isn’t’?
I called it. Support said it's very strange because the health status is good so it's difficult to change something. I have another appointent next week.
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