I was on a cross country flight a couple days ago and due to travel/weather issues I was annoyingly put in the middle seat on a flight. The person sitting next to me a couple minutes into the flight brought a device out of a case that had a larger ipad screen compared to mine. (I covertly held mine up against hers to check screen size) I had my iphone 6+, ipad air 2 and retina macbook on me. I don't know if it was an ipad Pro or just some sort of random prototype. It was running some sort of variation of 8.x. I did notice that very few apps were running in native resolution. I know she played a lot of garage band which was in native. I did not see any OSX references (sad). The icons were larger than mine but were still crisp and not pixelated. I did inquire about it being larger and was immediately rebuffed with " No it is absolutely not" and after that it was put away and I never saw it again. No words were spoken again. It looked like a larger ipad 3 with those ugly bezels.