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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 23, 2017
I own a first gen Air and was determined to get the 12.9 Pro back at its second gen announcement. I played with it in a store and loved it. A couple of weeks later, I played with the 10.5 and thought it physically was more appealing. it made the 12.9 look like a pizza box. I thought that I might as well get the 10.5 since I'm still going to use my MacBook Pro for school.

So, today my gut was telling me to go back and play with them again. Now I'm all for the 12.9, I can't with myself. It's quite funny because when I hold the 10.5 vertically it looks great but horizontal it looks really small. you have to look closely to realize it's not a 9.7. It feels great to hold with one hand, but I think I'm gonna rip out my hairs if I'm going to play around with Procreate while having YouTube playing in a slide... and the 10.5 ASK felt ****** to me. How do people enjoy using it? It hurt so bad on my hands to use, and I kept typing on the wrong keys. Who ever created the 10.5 ASK must have been really mad at the world... or just me.
The 12.9 is really light as well but awkward to hold up. There's no purpose for using it while holding it up. It's definitely an experience only meant for the desktop or in bed. But I'm so in love with its on-screen keyboard! What a joy! I actually type faster on it than with the 12.9 ASK attached. I could happily use it without purchasing the 12.9 ASK. But I do think it will be difficult to type on the on-screen keyboard in bed as it's better used when laying on a table. However, the ONE important thing than the ASK has an advantage over is selecting all text with the keys. I despise having to hold my finger on the screen for 2 sec to get the "select all" option.

Have any of you been in this dilemma up until you actually bought one? I swear that the word "portability" the spun of the devil. It's the only thing that has made me go back and forth because the 12.9 is obviously the real iPad experience.
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Have any of you been in this dilemma up until you actually bought one?

Even worse, my dilemma continues after I bought one until the return days are up. :) Then I settle in with it and stop thinking about the other option(s).

My dithering is upgrading from the Air to the Pro 9.7 or Pro 10.5. The concern about app optimization for the 10.5 display has me seriously thinking about settling on the 9.7.
I had the same dilemma as you -- must have gone to the Apple Store a dozen times (OK, it's walking distance from my house. It's not like I obsessively drove back and forth to the mall. Ha.) So I completely understand what you are going though.

Ultimately I went for the 12.9, a big change being a 9.7 user since the first iPad. The 10.5 is great, but it just seems like iOS 11 is built for the 12.9" plus it's a tad lighter than last year's model which made a difference to me. It's something like a 1/2 lb difference between the 12.9 and 10.5 now.

Yes, it's a bit awkward to hold it but I manage and I have small hands. I love being able to read and edit with less scrolling, and also larger text. Sure, sometimes I wish I was holding a 10.5 but no regrets on buying the 12.9.

What I would say is take advantage of Apple's 14 day return policy if you that unsure. Get the 12.9 and take it for a real test drive not a 2 minute feel at the store. By a week you'll know if the 12.9 is for you or not. If not Apple will happily exchange for a 10.5.
I own a first gen Air and was determined to get the 12.9 Pro back at its second gen announcement. I played with it in a store and loved it. A couple of weeks later, I played with the 10.5 and thought it physically was more appealing. it made the 12.9 look like a pizza box. I thought that I might as well get the 10.5 since I'm still going to use my Macbook Pro for school.

So, today my gut was telling me to go back and play with them again. Now I'm all for the 12.9, I can't with myself. It's quite funny because when I hold the 10.5 vertically it looks great but horizontal it looks really small. you have to look closely to realize it's not a 9.7. It feels great to hold with one hand, but I think I'm gonna rip out my hairs if I'm going to play around with procreate while having YouTube playing in a slide... and the 10.5 ASK is ******! How do people enjoy using it? It hurts so bad to use, and I kept typing on the wrong keys. Who ever created the 10.5 ASK must have been really mad at the world.
The 12.9 is really light as well but awkward to hold up. There's no purpose for using it while holding it up. It's definitely an experience only meant for the desktop or in bed. But I'm so in love with its on-screen keyboard! What a joy! I actually type faster on it than with the 12.9 ASK attached. I could happily use it without purchasing the 12.9 ASK. But I do think it will be difficult to type on the on-screen keyboard in bed as it's better used when laying on a table. However, the ONE important thing thain the ASK has an advantage over is selecting all text with the keys. I despise having to hold my finger on the screen for 2 sec to get the "select all" option.

Have any of you been in this dilemma up until you actually bought one? I swear, that word "portability" the the spun of devil. It's the only thing that has made me go back and forth because the 12.9 is obviously the real iPad experience.
Great observations! IMOI, the 10.5 iPP is basically the 9.7 iPP that should've been produced in the first place. That additional .8 inches (on the diagonal) doesn't make a noticeable difference... at least not to me and a few others.

I've owned my 12.9 Pro + ASK + SC for 15 months. Before that, I've owned and used iPads every day since day-1 of gen-1. Muscle memory well entrenched in the 9.7 form-factor. For the first 2 weeks of owning the 12.9, it felt as large as the windshield of my wife's Mini Cooper and could possible shade a small village from the sun.

I found that I had to make a few adjustments for how I use it while lounging in the living room. Little things like how I place it on an end table had to change (the area was just right for a 9.7 iPad, but too small for the 12.9).

But as the weeks of use went by, the size appeared to shrink. It just seemed like a "normal" size. Another issue I had to deal with was the keyboard. I love the ASK... it is my favorite physical keyboard for any device. As a touch typist who has used mechanical keyboards for 40+ years, I appreciate the reduced key travel and reduced key resistance of the ASK... I can type faster, more accurately, and with less fatigue.

So what was the issue with the ASK? It is a "normal" size. I've used keyboards with iPads since day-1 of gen-1. They've all been cramped in layout and my hands adjusted. But now, I have to retrain myself not to continue to use a modified hand positioning to accommodate shrunken keyboards. LOL

The only situation where the 12.9 Pro is an issue, is using it on a plane. (which I've documented in other threads)

If you decide to go with the 12.9 Pro, I strongly recommend using a COVER (ASK and Smart Cover) not a CASE... and only a thin skin on the back to protect from scratches and improve grip. Because of the thinness and overall size, any case you find will add noticeable weight and bulk. It makes all the difference.
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By differentiating the iPad Pro 10.5" from the new iPad 2017 (9.7"), Apple has further confused us users. How can we choose ?

The OP has nailed it: for certain uses, the 10.5" is perfect, while for other uses, the 12.9" shines brighter. The prototypical case where YMMV. In this case, hard to optimize.

I like the poster that just use all 3 sizes (Mini, 10.5" and 12.9"). The Mini is too small for me. But if I ever go the route of quasi laptop replacement, I would probably opt for the 12.9".

For now, I keep using my iPad Pro 9.7". I love it's portability. And I'm rocking a new MBP 13". That's an awesome laptop for everyday use, and light enough to use in bed. My first retina laptop and I just love it. I weighted Apple to get the weight down to MBA level and they delivered !
Even worse, my dilemma continues after I bought one until the return days are up. :) Then I settle in with it and stop thinking about the other option(s).

I am exactly the same way. I used the 10.5 for about a week, then went back and bought a 12.9 which i am happy with; although, i always keep thinking about all the other options as long as that 14 day return period isn't up yet ;)
+1 for 12.9". I am a small female and love it. If you were to find it awkward at first, you very soon get used to it and think of it as "your iPad". I don't hold it in one hand to use, I either have it propped on my knee or a very small stand. I also don't have an ASK, onscreen keyboard keyboard is more than adequate.
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-but it just seems like iOS 11 is built for the 12.9

-What I would say is take advantage of Apple's 14 day return policy if you that unsure. Get the 12.9 and take it for a real test drive not a 2 minute feel at the store. By a week you'll know if the 12.9 is for you or not. If not Apple will happily exchange for a 10.5.

Exactly! It's quite funny because Apple has been forcing 10.5 on us and paying 12.9 dust this year, people are now more than ever ready for the 12.9 screen.
Regarding the return policy, there's none of that here. There is no Apple store in my area, just plain regular tech stores that sell them. I don't think I'm allowed to return an opened iPad, sadly.
-Great observations! IMOI, the 10.5 iPP is basically the 9.7 iPP that should've been produced in the first place. That additional .8 inches (on the diagonal) doesn't make a noticeable difference... at least not to me and a few others.

-The only situation where the 12.9 Pro is an issue, is using it on a plane. (which I've documented in other threads)

-If you decide to go with the 12.9 Pro, I strongly recommend using a COVER (ASK and Smart Cover) not a CASE... and only a thin skin on the back to protect from scratches and improve grip. Because of the thinness and overall size, any case you find will add noticeable weight and bulk. It makes all the difference.

Exactly. The 10.5 is Apple's "apology" to all 9.7 users for not having gone with 10.5 to begin with back when iPads first launched...I'd love to hear your plane review of it. Can you provide a link?

Yeah, I defiently need a case, because I want it to stand up when watching YouTube in my bend.
-By differentiating the iPad Pro 10.5" from the new iPad 2017 (9.7"), Apple has further confused us users. How can we choose ?

- The OP has nailed it: for certain uses, the 10.5" is perfect, while for other uses, the 12.9" shines brighter. The prototypical case where YMMV. In this case, hard to optimize.

-I like the poster that just use all 3 sizes (Mini, 10.5" and 12.9"). The Mini is too small for me. But if I ever go the route of quasi laptop replacement, I would probably opt for the 12.9".

Wouldn't it be great if they just ditched all the different sizes and gave us an 11.7 and said "Here you go! This is the official size for iPads and how it's meant to be used!" The rich people with all the different iPad sizes are doing it right by having one device for each occasion.
+1 for 12.9". I am a small female and love it. If you were to find it awkward at first, you very soon get used to it and think of it as "your iPad". I don't hold it in one hand to use, I either have it propped on my knee or a very small stand. I also don't have an ASK, onscreen keyboard keyboard is more than adequate.
The on-screen keyboard is pure magic, right? I felt like writing a novel on it at the store, but people kept lurking what I was doing, so I kept writing "This is a test that I am writing on the iPad Pro. I am really enjoying this experience, and I want to buy this beautiful device that I am currently using", lmfao! Do you find it easy to type when laying fully down in bed and resting it on your knees?
There is no Apple store in my area, just plain regular tech stores that sell them. I don't think I'm allowed to return an opened iPad, sadly.

There is always the online Apple Store. Are you in the U.S.? No BestBuy around? They have a 15 return policy which I think includes iPads because they usually have fair share of open box ones for sale. Check Target too -- though I think they only carry the WiFi models right now. Sams Club? Costco? MicroCenter?
I guess I am the contrarian here in that, for me, the 12.9 was one-scoop-of-ice-cream-too-much. I had dreamed about one. Wanted one SO badly. Then I saw one. Holy cow, the bed I sleep on looked smaller than that! Just lifting is a few times increased my muscle mass. And I knocked out 3 customers trying to maneuver it at the store.

I ended up deciding I didn't use it in ways to justify the cost of either Pro model. So I went with the 128GB iPad (2017). It made sense for me, and I love it. It's just the right size. I didn't injure anyone trying it out at the Apple Store (please leave all your money with the genius by the door.) And, unlike my trusty but tired iPad3, it is reasonably quick. Thankfully, Apple has versions for whatever you need.
I have a 9.7 pro and I find it (and the 10.5) to be a better, more versatile size for me. Every time I go into the Apple store I play with the 12.9 to try it out and always come away with the same conclusion. The screen size is nice, but the added size just makes it much less usable in more situations. I think its certainly possible that as iOS progresses (and possibly the 12.9 gets even lighter/thinner/less bezels) the 12.9 will be more appealing it me. But for now the 9.7 is superior for using in more places, reading while laying in bed, carrying around, taking on trips, etc.
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There is always the online Apple Store. Are you in the U.S.? No BestBuy around? They have a 15 return policy which I think includes iPads because they usually have fair share of open box ones for sale. Check Target too -- though I think they only carry the WiFi models right now. Sams Club? Costco? MicroCenter?
I'm not from the U.S. sadly.
Wouldn't it be great if they just ditched all the different sizes and gave us an 11.7 and said "Here you go! This is the official size for iPads and how it's meant to be used!" The rich people with all the different iPad sizes are doing it right by having one device for each occasion.
Only if they reduce the bezels even more so that the physical dimension is the same as 10.5. The 10.5 is the limit of what my purses can handle. Even then, I'm iffy how 11.7's gonna handle certain use cases that greatly benefit from the larger display.

I kept my older 9.7 Pro for when I need something more mobile. Majority of the time, I find myself using the 12.9 Pro.
Only if they reduce the bezels even more so that the physical dimension is the same as 10.5. The 10.5 is the limit of what my purses can handle. Even then, I'm iffy how 11.7's gonna handle certain use cases that greatly benefit from the larger display.

I kept my older 9.7 Pro for when I need something more mobile. Majority of the time, I find myself using the 12.9 Pro.

You don't use a laptop computer, right? If I didn't use a MacBook Pro, I would probably go with a 12.9 Pro and a 9.7/10.5 Pro.
I have both the 12.9 and 10.5 gen 2 iPad Pros. At home I use the 12.9 the vast majority of the time because of the bigger screen. I find the 10.5 in landscape mode too small to look at for long periods of time. If you remember the netbook phenomenon of 10+ years ago that screen size kind of died out (for good reason IMO.) I do think that the 10.5 is a much more portable device compared to the 12.9. If I could only have one it would be the 10.5 but only because I have a 12" MacBook to use in place of the larger iPad at home. I would say that, if you're mostly going to use it at home, to get the 12.9. If you're mostly going to use it while mobile/traveling to get the 10.5.
You don't use a laptop computer, right? If I didn't use a MacBook Pro, I would probably go with a 12.9 Pro and a 9.7/10.5 Pro.
I've got a 5-year old Windows 7 laptop that still works very well. Barely gets used since we've got an always-on desktop in every room. I take it with me on 1-week or longer trips and it acts as my desktop/mini-server away from home.

I just prefer the tablet form factor for majority of my personal usage. No ASK, either.
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Great observations! IMOI, the 10.5 iPP is basically the 9.7 iPP that should've been produced in the first place. That additional .8 inches (on the diagonal) doesn't make a noticeable difference... at least not to me and a few others.

I've owned my 12.9 Pro + ASK + SC for 15 months. Before that, I've owned and used iPads every day since day-1 of gen-1. Muscle memory well entrenched in the 9.7 form-factor. For the first 2 weeks of owning the 12.9, it felt as large as the windshield of my wife's Mini Cooper and could possible shade a small village from the sun.

I found that I had to make a few adjustments for how I use it while lounging in the living room. Little things like how I place it on an end table had to change (the area was just right for a 9.7 iPad, but too small for the 12.9).

But as the weeks of use went by, the size appeared to shrink. It just seemed like a "normal" size. Another issue I had to deal with was the keyboard. I love the ASK... it is my favorite physical keyboard for any device. As a touch typist who has used mechanical keyboards for 40+ years, I appreciate the reduced key travel and reduced key resistance of the ASK... I can type faster, more accurately, and with less fatigue.

So what was the issue with the ASK? It is a "normal" size. I've used keyboards with iPads since day-1 of gen-1. They've all been cramped in layout and my hands adjusted. But now, I have to retrain myself not to continue to use a modified hand positioning to accommodate shrunken keyboards. LOL

The only situation where the 12.9 Pro is an issue, is using it on a plane. (which I've documented in other threads)

If you decide to go with the 12.9 Pro, I strongly recommend using a COVER (ASK and Smart Cover) not a CASE... and only a thin skin on the back to protect from scratches and improve grip. Because of the thinness and overall size, any case you find will add noticeable weight and bulk. It makes all the difference.

I completely agree with the above post. The only thing I'd add my thoughts on is that the 12.9 and ASK works for me on planes too. I do not fly first class so my experience Is from a "cramped" economy class. I live in the States but travel internationally for work. Domestic seats are smaller and when the person in front of me reclines their seat it makes using the 12.9 and ASK more difficult, but I had the same issue with my MacBooks too. I still find it usable, just cramped. I have zero issues with room on international flights.

I carry my 12.9 daily. I still love it. Trust me, you'll adjust in no time at all.
I completely agree with the above post. The only thing I'd add my thoughts on is that the 12.9 and ASK works for me on planes too. I do not fly first class so my experience Is from a "cramped" economy class. I live in the States but travel internationally for work. Domestic seats are smaller and when the person in front of me reclines their seat it makes using the 12.9 and ASK more difficult, but I had the same issue with my MacBooks too. I still find it usable, just cramped. I have zero issues with room on international flights.

I carry my 12.9 daily. I still love it. Trust me, you'll adjust in no time at all.

I Agree. I think it's just more of an adjustment to the overall size once you have been using it for a while. Initially, it seems much larger than what it is and then if you factor in the smart keyboard, it certainly adds to the expanded size, but one will quickly adapt to how it will fit into their lifestyle.
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Thought about getting the smaller 10.5 but love the 12.9 too much and it's not actUally a problem using it on the sofa either with no keyboard.
Thought about getting the smaller 10.5 but love the 12.9 too much and it's not actUally a problem using it on the sofa either with no keyboard.

Do you find the on-screen keyboard hard to type on when it laying down in bed and the iPad being supposed by your knees or supporting case? It was a wonderful to type on in the store when it was laying on the table.
Do you find the on-screen keyboard hard to type on when it laying down in bed and the iPad being supposed by your knees or supporting case? It was a wonderful to type on in the store when it was laying on the table.
It can be but often in bed I use it being propped up so it's not really an issue

The bigger onscreen keyboard is certainly a big plus to me.
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