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Original poster
Oct 10, 2013
I just can't leave it alone and tried windows again ... I should've known better ...:(...

I have a win8 pro and a win7 pro license and read that I can upgrade to win10 for free if I hurry up. So I decided to do that on my trusted mini with a 500gb hdd. OSX is up to date.

I first downloaded the win10 iso from MS directly and then started bootcamp. When I tried to select the iso, bootcamp told me that it is only compatible with win7 or higher ...o_O

So I decided to install win8 and then upgrade from there.
Bootcamp mounted the win8 iso onto a thumbdrive, downloaded the windows drivers and then asked me to choose a size for my partition. I have 130gb free on the hdd, so I chose a 60gb partition for windows. Then bootcamp started to partition ... for 1 1/2 hours....

After I realized that the progress bar isn't moving anymore I force quit.

After restarting it booted straight into the windows installation menu, but when I choose the 60gb partition it says that the formating is wrong. The "format" button is greyed out...o_O

When I boot back into OSX it shows that the hdd is 500gb, but the 60gb are missing. (daisydisk)... the El Capitan partitioning function is useless, as usual.

So now I have wasted 5 hours of my life, lost 60gb of hdd space and achieved absolutely nothing.

I just don't understand why almost nobody seems to have problems with bootcamp except for me :mad::confused:o_O:eek:


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I just don't understand why almost nobody seems to have problems with bootcamp except for me
You may have been better off trying to fix the first issue, i.e., getting windows 10 to be recognized in the bootcamp assistant. I've really had few problems with bootcamp and over the years, if I had any problems it was usually caused by my own actions.


Original poster
Oct 10, 2013
You may have been better off trying to fix the first issue, i.e., getting windows 10 to be recognized in the bootcamp assistant. I've really had few problems with bootcamp and over the years, if I had any problems it was usually caused by my own actions.
What could I've done?


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
What could I've done?
Tbh, I've not researched it, but I wonder if you're using an older version of bootcamp or you have a 32bit version of windows 10 (I think you need the 64bit version)


Original poster
Oct 10, 2013
Tbh, I've not researched it, but I wonder if you're using an older version of bootcamp or you have a 32bit version of windows 10 (I think you need the 64bit version)
It's the 64bit version and OSX is up to date.


Original poster
Oct 10, 2013
For giggles what is the version of bootcamp assistant?
I will look when I am on the mini again.

I now managed to get the 60gb back by booting into recovery mode.

The partitioning again took hours!?
I don't recall it ever taking so long.

It's probably a sign from god that I should stay away from windows, but the temptation to get a free win10 upgrade and try edge is very strong.
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