The Siri watch face has/had so much potential, but it’s ultimately a fail. I wish it had an UNintelligent option. Take my specific use case, for example. I love the fact that I can select my favorite complications (date/time and workout), and I’m pleased with the way those display. My problem is with the “intelligent” behavior of the data sources and tiles. I turn off all data sources except weather and calendar because that’s what I want at a glance on my watch face - the weather and what’s next on my calendar. And when I wake up in the morning, that’s exactly what I get. There’s the weather tile on top with current temp and hi/lo for the day, and just below it is the calendar tile with my first event of the day. That’s EXACTLY what I want. But, sadly, it all goes to sh!te before midday. At some point in the late morning, the weather tile changes/is replaced by a tile that indicates the sunset time for the day. I didn’t ask for this, nor do I really care about what time sunset is. So at this point the watch face is delivering no real value to me. To make things worse, at this same time, when my weather goes bye bye, the calendar tile disappears and is replaced by... wait for it... NOTHING. Just blank space on the watch face despite the fact that I have TWO data sources enabled in settings. THEN, once the sun sets, the sunset tile changes/is replaced by one that reads, in today’s example, “Happy Tuesday”. Really!?!? At the END of the day you’re wishing me a happy Tuesday?!? Regardless of time of day, that tile too now delivers zero value! And still no calendar tile! Just a single tile wishing me a Happy Tuesday when it’s almosy Wednesday! So half of the day, every day, the Siri watch face delivers absolutely no value to me, despite its potential to give me exactly what I want (current weather conditions + calendar) as I’ve configured it within the watch face settings. I beg you, Apple, please fix this.