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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
eeTimes reports that while IBM is running at full capacity at its 200 and 300 nm fabs, it continues to wrestle with chip yields.

Even so, IBM claims that it is close to resolving these yield issues which Apple has pointed to as a reason for shipping delays for the Xserve G5.

IBM's chip yields "are not quite where we would like them to be," said John Kelly III, senior vice president and group executive of IBM's Systems and Technology Group. "Lately, our defect densities have improved quite rapidly. We expect to do a better job to meet the demand of our customers," he said during a conference call on Wednesday (May 12).


macrumors regular
Aug 8, 2003
3GHz barrier

But will they yield a Dual 3GHz announcement at the Developers conference?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 27, 2001
Los Angeles
PowerMacMan said:
Maybe they're trying to reach the promised 3Ghz...

That is accurate, however they currently have only been able to produce 3 chips running at 1ghz... apple is in the process of welding these 3 together to make a prototype 3ghz G5 for WWDC.

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
greenmonsterman said:
That is accurate, however they currently have only been able to produce 3 chips running at 1ghz... apple is in the process of welding these 3 together to make a prototype 3ghz G5 for WWDC.

so a dual 3 GHz machine would actually have 6 cpu's :p

I just hope I'm not disappointed in June - waiting a whole year for an upgrade seems a bit much....I hope its worth the weight.



macrumors 6502
Mar 17, 2004
Chicago, Illinois
greenmonsterman said:
That is accurate, however they currently have only been able to produce 3 chips running at 1ghz... apple is in the process of welding these 3 together to make a prototype 3ghz G5 for WWDC.

Just a prototype, or will it be an actual product by WWDC? (Will you be able to buy it)


macrumors 603
Oct 16, 2003
So we get a new rumor every time a news site does an article even if the article is based on the same information source as a previous rumor


macrumors 603
Sep 3, 2003
North Carolina
According to the chart, IBM has lowered the delta in terms of defect rates over the last year and is close to its target yields in the plant.

If this is true, this is *very* good news--that's more impressive than just "we're improving."


macrumors 6502a
Feb 27, 2003
fussball said:
These supply problems scare me, I worry that we will see moto. all over again :(

I need to remind everyone, that even though making processor chips out of silicon is NOT rocket science, it is still a pretty difficult process to do. ;)


macrumors 68030
May 14, 2002
dopefiend said:
Yup, switch to x86!

Yeah, Intel hasn't had ANY problems with their 90nm process... :rolleyes:

Sounds like IBM is getting a handle on the problems, and we'll see some PowerMac updates soon! (hopefully!)


macrumors member
Aug 22, 2002
Athens, GA
Phatpat said:
Is there anything Apple can do to prevent things like this slamming them to a halt?

I'm curious.

No. Unless they want well established and stable chips (read slower.) Cutting-edge hurts.


macrumors 68040
Jan 7, 2004
Purcellville, VA
dopefiend said:
Never mentioned Intel.... :rolleyes: ( <---- ha :p )
Actually, this isn't as crazy as it seems.

IIRC, AMD's K7 (Athlon) and K8 (Athrlon-64) architectures are actually a proprietary RISC architecture with an x86 emulation layer over the top. It may well be possible for them to make these with a PPC emulation layer instead.

I have no idea, however, how well these would compete against a real PPC. I would be really surprised if they can match a G5, but they might be able to match a G4's performance.

Of course, designing any such a CPU would be expensive and time-consuming, and it would be hard to make the business case for AMD to even consider such a project.

I believe TransMeta's Crusoe chip is similar - and its CPU emulation is loaded as software, so you don't need to spin new hardware. But it has never been known for high performance. Crusoe's big claim to fame is low power consumption. But it's another possibility, at least for low-end laptops.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 4, 2000
Nor Cal

Phatpat said:
Is there anything Apple can do to prevent things like this slamming them to a halt?

I'm curious.



Does Intel HAVE a 90nm chip - guess I missed that rumor! Sigh now only my wife will know I'm perfect - cause you now certainly know my flaw - missed an intel rumor


macrumors member
Nov 19, 2002
Dallas, TX

Umm....about the emulation over a RISC core, so does Intel....

Also, I don't think there is sufficient financial motivation for alot of companies to go start building PPC chips, even if it is just putting an emulation layer over their current core.

- Kelson

shamino said:
Actually, this isn't as crazy as it seems.

IIRC, AMD's K7 (Athlon) and K8 (Athrlon-64) architectures are actually a proprietary RISC architecture with an x86 emulation layer over the top. It may well be possible for them to make these with a PPC emulation layer instead.

I have no idea, however, how well these would compete against a real PPC. I would be really surprised if they can match a G5, but they might be able to match a G4's performance.

Of course, designing any such a CPU would be expensive and time-consuming, and it would be hard to make the business case for AMD to even consider such a project.

I believe TransMeta's Crusoe chip is similar - and its CPU emulation is loaded as software, so you don't need to spin new hardware. But it has never been known for high performance. Crusoe's big claim to fame is low power consumption. But it's another possibility, at least for low-end laptops.
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